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UIST '06 - Proceedings of the 19th annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology

2006 Proceedings cover
2006 Adjunct cover
Montreux, Switzerland (2006)
General Chair: Pierre Wellner
Program Chair: Ken Hinckley
Table of Contents:plus

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Computing versus human thinking (p. 1-2)

Session: Perspectives on pointing & picking

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The design and evaluation of selection techniques for 3D volumetric displays (p. 3-12)

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ModelCraft: capturing freehand annotations and edits on physical 3D models (p. 13-22)

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A direct texture placement and editing interface (p. 23-32)

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CINCH: a cooperatively designed marking interface for 3D pathway selection (p. 33-42)

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Soap: a pointing device that works in mid-air (p. 43-46)

Session: Information landscapes

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Comparing and managing multiple versions of slide presentations (p. 47-56)

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Viz: a visual analysis suite for explaining local search behavior (p. 57-66)

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From information visualization to direct manipulation: extending a generic visualization framework for the interactive editing of large datasets (p. 67-76)

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WindowScape: a task oriented window manager (p. 77-80)

Session: Sensing from head to toe

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Using a low-cost electroencephalograph for task classification in HCI research (p. 81-90)

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Sensing from the basement: a feasibility study of unobtrusive and low-cost home activity recognition (p. 91-100)

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Camera phone based motion sensing: interaction techniques, applications and performance study (p. 101-110)

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Mobile interaction using paperweight metaphor (p. 111-114)

Session: Browsing & scrolling

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Summarizing personal web browsing sessions (p. 115-124)

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Enabling web browsers to augment web sites' filtering and sorting functionalities (p. 125-134)

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Translating keyword commands into executable code (p. 135-144)

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RecipeSheet: creating, combining and controlling information processors (p. 145-154)

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Content-aware scrolling (p. 155-158)

Session: Clever renditions

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Mnemonic rendering: an image-based approach for exposing hidden changes in dynamic displays (p. 159-168)

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Phosphor: explaining transitions in the user interface using afterglow effects (p. 169-178)

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Procedural haptic texture (p. 179-186)

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Personalizing routes (p. 187-190)

Session: Pen & paper

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Quiet interfaces that help students think (p. 191-200)

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Pen-top feedback for paper-based interfaces (p. 201-210)

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HybridPointing: fluid switching between absolute and relative pointing with a direct input device (p. 211-220)

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Videotater: an approach for pen-based digital video segmentation and tagging (p. 221-224)

Session: Projecting the future

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Interacting with dynamically defined information spaces using a handheld projector and a pen (p. 225-234)

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Projector-guided painting (p. 235-244)

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Interactive environment-aware display bubbles (p. 245-254)

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Robust computer vision-based detection of pinching for one and two-handed gesture input (p. 255-258)

Session: Tables galore

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Under the table interaction (p. 259-268)

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Multi-layer interaction for digital tables (p. 269-272)

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Multi-user, multi-display interaction with a single-user, single-display geospatial application (p. 273-276)

Brain-computer interaction (p. 277-278)

Session: DANGER -- interface construction zone

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Huddle: automatically generating interfaces for systems of multiple connected appliances (p. 279-288)

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Rapid construction of functioning physical interfaces from cardboard, thumbtacks, tin foil and masking tape (p. 289-298)

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Reflective physical prototyping through integrated design, test, and analysis (p. 299-308)

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User interface façades: towards fully adaptable user interfaces (p. 309-318)

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SwingStates: adding state machines to the swing toolkit (p. 319-322)

Session: Handwriting & character input

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CueTIP: a mixed-initiative interface for correcting handwriting errors (p. 323-332)

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In-stroke word completion (p. 333-336)