An important aspect of making the Web accessible to blind users is ensuring that all important web page elements such as links, clickable buttons, and form fields have explicitly assigned labels. Properly labeled content is then correctly read out by screen readers, a dominant assistive technology used by blind users. In particular, improperly labeled form fields can critically impede online transactions such as shopping, paying bills, etc. with screen readers. Very often labels are not associated with form fields or are missing altogether, making form filling a challenge for blind users. Algorithms for associating a form element with one of several candidate labels in its vicinity must cope with the variability of the element's features including label's location relative to the element, distance to the element, etc. Probabilistic models provide a natural machinery to reason with such uncertainties. In this paper we present a Finite Mixture Model (FMM) formulation of the label association problem. The variability of feature values are captured in the FMM by a mixture of random variables that are drawn from parameterized distributions. Then, the most likely label to be paired with a form element is computed by maximizing the log-likelihood of the feature data using the Expectation-Maximization algorithm. We also adapt the FMM approach for two related problems: assigning labels (from an external Knowledge Base) to form elements that have no candidate labels in their vicinity and for quickly identifying clickable elements such as add-to-cart, checkout, etc., used in online transactions even when these elements do not have textual captions (e.g., image buttons w/o alternative text). We provide a quantitative evaluation of our techniques, as well as a user study with two blind subjects who used an aural web browser implementing our approach.
The deep web contains an order of magnitude more information than the surface web, but that information is hidden behind the web forms of a large number of web sites. Metasearch engines can help users explore this information by aggregating results from multiple resources, but previously these could only be created and maintained by programmers. In this paper, we explore the automatic creation of metasearch mash-ups by mining the web interactions of multiple web users to find relations between query forms on different web sites. We also present an implemented system called TX2 that uses those connections to search multiple deep web resources simultaneously and integrate the results in context in a single results page. TX2 illustrates the promise of constructing mash-ups automatically and the potential of mining web interactions to explore deep web resources.
We present a new server-side architecture that enables rapid prototyping and deployment of mobile web applications created from existing web sites. Key to this architecture is a remote control metaphor in which the mobile device controls a fully functional browser that is embedded within a proxy server. Content is clipped from the proxy browser, transformed if necessary, and then sent to the mobile device as a typical web page. Users' interactions with that content on the mobile device control the next steps of the proxy browser. We have found this approach to work well for creating mobile sites from a variety of existing sites, including those that use dynamic HTML and AJAX technologies. We have conducted a small user study to evaluate our model and API with experienced web programmers.
We present three new interaction techniques for aiding users in collecting and organizing Web content. First, we demonstrate an interface for creating associations between websites, which facilitate the automatic retrieval of related content. Second, we present an authoring interface that allows users to quickly merge content from many different websites into a uniform and personalized representation, which we call a card. Finally, we introduce a novel search paradigm that leverages the relationships in a card to direct search queries to extract relevant content from multiple Web sources and fill a new series of cards instead of just returning a list of webpage URLs. Preliminary feedback from users is positive andvalidates our design.
The Web is ephemeral. Pages change frequently, and it is nearly impossible to find data or follow a link after the underlying page evolves. We present Zoetrope, a system that enables interaction with the historicalWeb (pages, links, and embedded data) that would otherwise be lost to time. Using a number of novel interactions, the temporal Web can be manipulated, queried, and analyzed from the context of familar pages. Zoetrope is based on a set of operators for manipulating content streams. We describe these primitives and the associated indexing strategies for handling temporal Web data. They form the basis of Zoetrope and enable our construction of new temporal interactions and visualizations.
An important aspect of making the Web accessible to blind users is ensuring that all important web page elements such as links, clickable buttons, and form fields have explicitly assigned labels. Properly labeled content is then correctly read out by screen readers, a dominant assistive technology used by blind users. In particular, improperly labeled form fields can critically impede online transactions such as shopping, paying bills, etc. with screen readers. Very often labels are not associated with form fields or are missing altogether, making form filling a challenge for blind users. Algorithms for associating a form element with one of several candidate labels in its vicinity must cope with the variability of the element's features including label's location relative to the element, distance to the element, etc. Probabilistic models provide a natural machinery to reason with such uncertainties. In this paper we present a Finite Mixture Model (FMM) formulation of the label association problem. The variability of feature values are captured in the FMM by a mixture of random variables that are drawn from parameterized distributions. Then, the most likely label to be paired with a form element is computed by maximizing the log-likelihood of the feature data using the Expectation-Maximization algorithm. We also adapt the FMM approach for two related problems: assigning labels (from an external Knowledge Base) to form elements that have no candidate labels in their vicinity and for quickly identifying clickable elements such as add-to-cart, checkout, etc., used in online transactions even when these elements do not have textual captions (e.g., image buttons w/o alternative text). We provide a quantitative evaluation of our techniques, as well as a user study with two blind subjects who used an aural web browser implementing our approach.
We present a new web automation system that allows users to create a smart bookmark, consisting of a starting URL plus a script of commands that returns to a particular web page or state of a web application. A smart bookmark can be requested for any page, and the necessary commands are automatically extracted from the user's interaction history. Unlike other web macro recorders, which require the user to start recording before navigating to the desired page, smart bookmarks are generated retroactively, after the user has already reached a page, and the starting point of the macro is found automatically. Smart bookmarks have a rich graphical visualization that combines textual commands, web page screenshots, and animations to explain what the bookmark does. A bookmark's script consists of keyword commands, interpreted without strict reliance on syntax, allowing bookmarks to be easily edited and shared.
We present Inky, a command line for shortcut access to common web tasks. Inky aims to capture the efficiency benefits of typed commands while mitigating their usability problems. Inky commands have little or no new syntax to learn, and the system displays rich visual feedback while the user is typing, including missing parameters and contextual information automatically clipped from the target web site. Inky is an example of a new kind of hybrid between a command line and a GUI interface. We describe the design and implementation of two prototypes of this idea, and report the results of a preliminary user study.
Cellular phones are widely used to access the WWW. However, most available Web pages are designed for desktop PCs. Cellular phones only have small screens and poor interfaces, and thus, it is inconvenient to browse such large sized pages. In addition, cellular phone users browse Web pages in various situations, so that appropriate presentation styles for Web pages depend on users' situations. In this paper, we propose a novel Web browsing system for cellular phones that allocates various functions for Web browsing on each numerical key of a cellular phone. Users can browse Web pages comfortably, selecting appropriate functions according to their situations by pushing a single button.
The Web is a dynamic information environment. Web content changes regularly and people revisit Web pages frequently. But the tools used to access the Web, including browsers and search engines, do little to explicitly support these dynamics. In this paper we present DiffIE, a browser plug-in that makes content change explicit in a simple and lightweight manner. DiffIE caches the pages a person visits and highlights how those pages have changed when the person returns to them. We describe how we built a stable, reliable, and usable system, including how we created compact, privacy-preserving page representations to support fast difference detection. Via a longitudinal user study, we explore how DiffIE changed the way people dealt with changing content. We find that much of its benefit came not from exposing expected change, but rather from drawing attention to unexpected change and helping people build a richer understanding of the Web content they frequent.
We present three new interaction techniques for aiding users in collecting and organizing Web content. First, we demonstrate an interface for creating associations between websites, which facilitate the automatic retrieval of related content. Second, we present an authoring interface that allows users to quickly merge content from many different websites into a uniform and personalized representation, which we call a card. Finally, we introduce a novel search paradigm that leverages the relationships in a card to direct search queries to extract relevant content from multiple Web sources and fill a new series of cards instead of just returning a list of webpage URLs. Preliminary feedback from users is positive andvalidates our design.
The Web is a dynamic information environment. Web content changes regularly and people revisit Web pages frequently. But the tools used to access the Web, including browsers and search engines, do little to explicitly support these dynamics. In this paper we present DiffIE, a browser plug-in that makes content change explicit in a simple and lightweight manner. DiffIE caches the pages a person visits and highlights how those pages have changed when the person returns to them. We describe how we built a stable, reliable, and usable system, including how we created compact, privacy-preserving page representations to support fast difference detection. Via a longitudinal user study, we explore how DiffIE changed the way people dealt with changing content. We find that much of its benefit came not from exposing expected change, but rather from drawing attention to unexpected change and helping people build a richer understanding of the Web content they frequent.
The Web is ephemeral. Pages change frequently, and it is nearly impossible to find data or follow a link after the underlying page evolves. We present Zoetrope, a system that enables interaction with the historicalWeb (pages, links, and embedded data) that would otherwise be lost to time. Using a number of novel interactions, the temporal Web can be manipulated, queried, and analyzed from the context of familar pages. Zoetrope is based on a set of operators for manipulating content streams. We describe these primitives and the associated indexing strategies for handling temporal Web data. They form the basis of Zoetrope and enable our construction of new temporal interactions and visualizations.
The deep web contains an order of magnitude more information than the surface web, but that information is hidden behind the web forms of a large number of web sites. Metasearch engines can help users explore this information by aggregating results from multiple resources, but previously these could only be created and maintained by programmers. In this paper, we explore the automatic creation of metasearch mash-ups by mining the web interactions of multiple web users to find relations between query forms on different web sites. We also present an implemented system called TX2 that uses those connections to search multiple deep web resources simultaneously and integrate the results in context in a single results page. TX2 illustrates the promise of constructing mash-ups automatically and the potential of mining web interactions to explore deep web resources.
An important aspect of making the Web accessible to blind users is ensuring that all important web page elements such as links, clickable buttons, and form fields have explicitly assigned labels. Properly labeled content is then correctly read out by screen readers, a dominant assistive technology used by blind users. In particular, improperly labeled form fields can critically impede online transactions such as shopping, paying bills, etc. with screen readers. Very often labels are not associated with form fields or are missing altogether, making form filling a challenge for blind users. Algorithms for associating a form element with one of several candidate labels in its vicinity must cope with the variability of the element's features including label's location relative to the element, distance to the element, etc. Probabilistic models provide a natural machinery to reason with such uncertainties. In this paper we present a Finite Mixture Model (FMM) formulation of the label association problem. The variability of feature values are captured in the FMM by a mixture of random variables that are drawn from parameterized distributions. Then, the most likely label to be paired with a form element is computed by maximizing the log-likelihood of the feature data using the Expectation-Maximization algorithm. We also adapt the FMM approach for two related problems: assigning labels (from an external Knowledge Base) to form elements that have no candidate labels in their vicinity and for quickly identifying clickable elements such as add-to-cart, checkout, etc., used in online transactions even when these elements do not have textual captions (e.g., image buttons w/o alternative text). We provide a quantitative evaluation of our techniques, as well as a user study with two blind subjects who used an aural web browser implementing our approach.
Studies of search habits reveal that people engage in many search tasks involving collaboration with others, such as travel planning, organizing social events, or working on a homework assignment. However, current Web search tools are designed for a single user, working alone. We introduce SearchTogether, a prototype that enables groups of remote users to synchronously or asynchronously collaborate when searching the Web. We describe an example usage scenario, and discuss the ways SearchTogether facilitates collaboration by supporting awareness, division of labor, and persistence. We then discuss the findings of our evaluation of SearchTogether, analyzing which aspects of its design enabled successful collaboration among study participants.
Programmers regularly use search as part of the development process, attempting to identify an appropriate API for a problem, seeking more information about an API, and seeking samples that show how to use an API. However, neither general-purpose search engines nor existing code search engines currently fit their needs, in large part because the information programmers need is distributed across many pages. We present Assieme, a Web search interface that effectively supports common programming search tasks by combining information from Web-accessible Java Archive (JAR) files, API documentation, and pages that include explanatory text and sample code. Assieme uses a novel approach to finding and resolving implicit references to Java packages, types, and members within sample code on the Web. In a study of programmers performing searches related to common programming tasks, we show that programmers obtain better solutions, using fewer queries, in the same amount of time spent using a general Web search interface.
Source-code examples of APIs enable developers to quickly gain a gestalt understanding of a library's functionality, and they support organically creating applications by incrementally modifying a functional starting point. As an increasing number of web sites provide APIs, significantlatent value lies in connecting the complementary representations between site and service - in essence, enabling sites themselves to be the example corpus. We introduce d.mix, a tool for creating web mashups that leverages this site-to-service correspondence. With d.mix, users browse annotated web sites and select elements to sample. d.mix's sampling mechanism generates the underlying service calls that yield those elements. This code can be edited, executed, and shared in d.mix's wiki-based hosting environment. This sampling approach leverages pre-existing web sites as example sets and supports fluid composition and modification of examples. An initial study with eight participants found d.mix to enable rapid experimentation, and suggested avenues for improving its annotation mechanism.