In Proceedings of
UIST 1996
Ultra-lightweight constraints (p. 147-155)
In Proceedings of
UIST 1997
Transparent sharing of Java applets: a replicated approach (p. 55-64)
In Proceedings of
UIST 1997
Supporting dynamic downloadable appearances in an extensible user interface toolkit (p. 159-168)
In Proceedings of
UIST 1997
Debugging lenses: a new class of transparent tools for user interface debugging (p. 179-187)
In Proceedings of
UIST 1998
Supporting worker independence in collaboration transparency (p. 133-142)
In Proceedings of
UIST 1999
Synchronizing clipboards of multiple computers (p. 65-66)
java swing
In Proceedings of
UIST 2006
SwingStates: adding state machines to the swing toolkit (p. 319-322)