Haber, Eben
Halim, Steven
Hallett, Stephanie
Halterman, Richard L.
Halversen, Bradley W.
Han, Jefferson Y.
Hansen, Klaus M.
Hanson, Erik
Hara, Takahiro
Harada, Shigeo
Hardock, Gary
Harris, Mitchell K.
Harris, Thomas K.
Harrison, Beverly L.
- Avrahami, Daniel
- Fishkin, Kenneth P.
- Gujar, Anuj U.
- Kane, Shaun K.
- Kurtenbach, Gordon
- LaMarca, Anthony
- Moore, Darnell J.
- Moran, Thomas P.
- Philipose, Matthai
- Rea, Adam D.
- Saund, Eric
- van Melle, William
- Vicente, Kim J.
- Want, Roy
- Wobbrock, Jacob O.
Harrison, Chris
Harsham, Bret
Hartmann, Björn
- Abdulla, Leith
- Ackerman, Mark S.
- Allison, Abel
- Benko, Hrvoje
- Bernstein, Michael S.
- Burr, Brandon
- Collins, Kevin
- Crowell, David
- Gee, Jennifer
- Karger, David R.
- Klemmer, Scott R.
- Little, Greg
- Miller, Robert C.
- Morris, Meredith Ringel
- Panovich, Katrina
- Robinson-Mosher, Avi
- Wilson, Andrew D.
- Wu, Leslie
- Yang, Yeonsoo
- Yu, Loren
Hascoët-Zizi, Mountaz
Hashimoto, Osamu
Haslem, David
Hauge, Tor
Haupt, Marcus
Hauptmann, Alexander G.
Heath, Christian
Heiner, Jeremy M.
Heinrichs, Michael
Helfman, Jonathan I.
Hellerstein, Joseph M.
Helmes, John
- Benko, Hrvoje
- Butler, Alex
- Cao, Xiang
- Chen, Billy
- Hodges, Steve
- Izadi, Shahram
- Ofek, Eyal
- Rosenfeld, Dan
- Villar, Nicolas
- Westhues, Jonathan
Henderson, D. Austin Jr.
Henigman, Frank
Henry, Tyson R.
Herczeg, Jürgen
Herndon, Kenneth P.
Herranz, Edward
Hertzmann, Aaron
Hetzler, E. G.
Higashino, Suguru
Higgins, Michael
Hightower, Jeffrey R.
Hightower, Ron R.
Hilbert, David M.
Hill, Ralph D.
Hill, Rosco
Hill, Will
Hilliges, Otmar
Hinckley, Ken
- Agrawala, Maneesh
- Audia, Steve
- Balakrishnan, Ravin
- Baudisch, Patrick
- Benko, Hrvoje
- Bi, Xiaojun
- Burnette, Tommy
- Buxton, William
- Christiansen, Kevin
- Coddington, Nicole
- Collomb, Maxime
- Conway, Matthew J.
- Cosgrove, Dennis
- Czerwinski, Mary
- Goble, John C.
- Guimbretière, François
- Hanson, Erik
- Horvitz, Eric
- Igarashi, Takeo
- Kassell, Neal F.
- Liao, Chunyuan
- Monkaitis, Kristen
- Moscovich, Tomer
- Pahud, Michel
- Patten, James
- Pausch, Randy
- Pierce, Jeffrey S.
- Proffitt, Dennis
- Ramos, Gonzalo
- Robbins, Daniel C.
- Rodenhouse, Jenny
- Shochet, Joe
- Sinclair, Mike
- Staack, David
- Stearns, Brian
- Sturgill, Chris
- Szeliski, Richard
- Tan, Desney S.
- Tullio, Joe
- Williams, George
- Wilson, Andrew D.
- Yatani, Koji
- Zhao, Shengdong
Hindmarsh, Jon
Hindus, Debby
Hirshfield, Leanne M.
Hix, Deborah
Ho, Albert
Hodges, Steve
- Benko, Hrvoje
- Butler, Alex
- Butz, Andreas
- Buxton, William
- Cao, Xiang
- Chen, Billy
- Garcia-Mendoza, Armando
- Helmes, John
- Hilliges, Otmar
- Izadi, Shahram
- Ofek, Eyal
- Rosenfeld, Dan
- Rrustemi, Alban
- Taylor, Stuart
- Villar, Nicolas
- Westhues, Jonathan
- Wilson, Andrew D.
Hodgins, Jessica
Hoffmann, Raphael
Hohl, Hubertus
Hollan, James D.
- Baudisch, Patrick
- Bederson, Benjamin B.
- Druin, Allison
- Griswold, William G.
- Helfman, Jonathan I.
- Hightower, Ron R.
- Li, Kevin A.
- Proft, David
- Ring, Laura T.
- Rogers, David
- Stewart, Jason
Holmquist, Lars Erik
Holz, Christian
Honda, Masaaki
Honda, Shinkuro
Hong, Jason I.
Hong, Lichan
Hong, Zhenan
Hook, Jonathan
Hornbaek, Kasper
Hornof, Anthony
Horvitz, Eric
Hosobe, Hiroshi
Howard, Mark
Howell, Jon
Hsieh, Haowei
Hsu, Jane
Hsu, S. C.
Hu, Chang
Hua, Hong
Hua, Zhigang
Huang, Andrew
Huang, Jeff
Hudson, Scott E.
- Using active data in a UIMS (1988)
- Graphical specification of flexible user interface displays (1989)
- Integrating gesture and snapping into a user interface toolkit (1990)
- Interactive graph layout (1991)
- A nose gesture interface device: extending virtual realities (1991)
- Smoothly integrating rule-based techniques into a direct manipulation interface builder (1991)
- Probabilistic state machines: dialog management for inputs with uncertainty (1992)
- Animation support in a user interface toolkit: flexible, robust, and reusable abstractions (1993)
- Supporting distributed, concurrent, one-way constraints in user interface applications (1995)
- Head-tracked orbital viewing: an interaction technique for immersive virtual environments (1996)
- Ultra-lightweight constraints (1996)
- Systematic output modification in a 2D user interface toolkit (1997)
- Supporting dynamic downloadable appearances in an extensible user interface toolkit (1997)
- Debugging lenses: a new class of transparent tools for user interface debugging (1997)
- A tool for creating predictive performance models from user interface demonstrations (1999)
- The information percolator: ambient information display in a decorative object (1999)
- Linking and messaging from real paper in the Paper PDA (1999)
- Interaction techniques for ambiguity resolution in recognition-based interfaces (2000)
- Providing visually rich resizable images for user interface components (2000)
- Aesthetic information collages: generating decorative displays that contain information (2001)
- Guided gesture support in the paper PDA (2001)
- Specifying behavior and semantic meaning in an unmodified layered drawing package (2002)
- The kinetic typography engine: an extensible system for animating expressive text (2002)
- WebThumb: interaction techniques for small-screen browsers (2002)
- GADGET: a toolkit for optimization-based approaches to interface and display generation (2003)
- Automatic projector calibration with embedded light sensors (2004)
- Using light emitting diode arrays as touch-sensitive input and output devices (2004)
- Haptic pen: a tactile feedback stylus for touch screens (2004)
- Moveable interactive projected displays using projector based tracking (2005)
- Sensing from the basement: a feasibility study of unobtrusive and low-cost home activity recognition (2006)
- Rapid construction of functioning physical interfaces from cardboard, thumbtacks, tin foil and masking tape (2006)
- Hybrid infrared and visible light projection for location tracking (2007)
- Dirty desktops: using a patina of magnetic mouse dust to make common interactor targets easier to select (2007)
- Scratch input: creating large, inexpensive, unpowered and mobile finger input surfaces (2008)
- Lightweight material detection for placement-aware mobile computing (2008)
- Foldable interactive displays (2008)
- Abracadabra: wireless, high-precision, and unpowered finger input for very small mobile devices (2009)
- A framework for robust and flexible handling of inputs with uncertainty (2010)
- Abowd, Gregory D.
- Au, Carolyn
- Avrahami, Daniel
- Bharat, Krishna A.
- Byrne, Michael D.
- Dey, Anind K.
- Dietz, Paul H.
- Edwards, W. Keith
- Feiner, Steven K.
- Fogarty, James
- Forlizzi, Jodi
- Harrison, Chris
- Heiner, Jeremy M.
- Henry, Tyson R.
- Hurst, Amy
- John, Bonnie E.
- Knudsen, Keith
- Koller, David R.
- Lee, Johnny Chung
- Leigh, Darren
- Mankoff, Jennifer
- Marinacci, Joshua
- Maynes-Aminzade, Dan
- Mine, Mark R.
- Moran, Thomas P.
- Myers, Brad A.
- Newell, Gary L.
- Raskar, Ramesh
- Rodenstein, Roy
- Rodriguez, Thomas
- Schwarz, Julia
- Smith, Ian
- Stasko, John T.
- Summet, Jay W.
- Tanaka, Kenichiro
- Tse, Edward
- Williams, Brian D.
- Wilson, Andrew D.
- Wobbrock, Jacob O.
- Yeatts, Andrey K.
- Yerazunis, William S.
Hughes, John F.
Hughes, Joseph
Hughes, Richard L.
Hung, Yi-Ping
Hunter, Michael
Huot, Stéphane
Hupp, Darris
Hurst, Amy
Hurst, Nathan
Hutchins, Greg
Huynh, David F.
Hwang, Jee Yeon
Hégron, Gérard
Höllerer, Tobias