Session: demos
ControlTree: Navigating and Selecting in a Large Tree
C. Appert1,2, J. Fekete2,1
1LRI and 2INRIA Futurs
Navigation Techniques for Zoomable Treemaps
R. Blanch, E. Lecolinet
2'18", 11Mb
Elcano, a Tangible Personal Multimedia Browser
H. Chiquet, F. Evéquoz, D. Lalanne
University of Fribourg
5'28", 59Mb
Exploring Multi-Device Task Management with the Collaboration Annex
S. Cousins, C. Tashman, J. Pierce
IBM Almaden Research Center
Entertaible: Multi-user multi-object concurrent input
G. Hollemans, T. Bergman, V. Buil, K. van Gelder, M. Groten, J. Hoonhout, T. Lashina, E. van Loenen, S. van de Wijdeven
Philips Research Laboratories Eindhoven
MoreWheel: Multimode Scroll-Wheeling Depending on the Cursor Location
M. Kobayashi1, T. Igarashi1,2
1University of Tokyo, 2JST PRESTO
2'30", 13Mb
Using Spatial Representation to Control Accesses and Interruptions
M. Kobayashi1, T. Igarashi1,2
1University of Tokyo, 2JST PRESTO
LIFT-THE-FLAP: A toolkit to realize interactive paper books
S. Kobayashi, M. Yim, M. Yoshida
2'56", 17Mb
MapTop: Behavior as Context in a Digital Exhibition Guide
A. Kodama, M. Yasumura
Keio University
1'55", 22Mb
MyMemodules: a Graphical Toolkit for the Easy Creation of Personal TUI
E. Mugellini, S. Gerardi, D. Baechler, O.A. Khaled
University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland, Fribourg
TJASS, a smart board for augmenting card game playing and learning
M. Müller, F. Evéquoz, D. Lalanne
University of Fribourg
3'52", 27Mb
Drag-and-Guess: Drag-and-Drop with Prediction
T. Nishida1, T. Igarashi1,2
1University of Tokyo, 2JST PRESTO
2'59", 6Mb
Phong, augmenting virtual and real gaming experience
M. Radgohar, F. Evéquoz, D. Lalanne
University of Fribourg
3'24", 17Mb
Camera-based Flicking Gesture Recognition and Game Applications
T. Sato, K. Fukuchi, H. Koike
University of Electro-Communications
2'19", 9Mb
Exploring Interaction with Multi User Speech and Whole Handed Gestures on a Digital Table
E. Tse1,2, S. Greenberg1, C. Shen2
1University of Calgary, 1Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories
Distributed and Adaptable Home Control Interface with VoodooIO
N. Villar, F. Block, H. Gellersen
Lancaster University
Session: posters
Lash-Ups: A Toolkit for Location-Aware Mash-Ups
J. Brandt, S.R. Klemmer
Stanford University
2'51", 26Mb
Exploring Multi-Device Task Management with the Collaboration Annex
S. Cousins, C. Tashman, J. Pierce
IBM Almaden Research Center
The Equator Component Toolkit: Managing digital information flow in the home
S.R. Egglestone, J. Humble, C. Greenhalgh, T. Rodden, A. Hampshire
University of Nottingham
1'29", 10Mb
Interface Components for Monitoring Security Video
A. Girgensohn1, F. Shipman2, T. Turner1, L. Wilcox1
1FX Palo Alto Laboratory, Inc., 2Texas A&M University
MatrixView: Extending Immersion in Video Conferencing
R. Hofer, C. Ganser, A. Kunz
ETH Zurich
49", 8Mb
Shepherd: A Mobile Interface for Robot Control from a User's Viewpoint
K. Hosoi, M. Sugimoto
University of Tokyo
Face-to-face Single Display Groupware Encouraging Positive Participation
J. Ichino1, K. Takeuchi2, H. Isahara1,3
1Kobe University, 2Osaka Electro-Communication University, 3National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
iJITinOffice: Desktop Environment Enabling Integration of Paper and Electronic Documents
H. Ikeda, K. Konishi, N. Furukawa
Central Research Laboratory, Hitachi, Ltd.
2'58", 17Mb
Augmenting Emotional Interaction Through Physical Movement
J. Lee, T. Nam
An Intelligent City Guide with a "Metal Detector" Interface
Y. Takeuchi, M. Sugimoto
University of Tokyo
Interactive Machine Learning tool with Automatic Tagging for Video Recognition System
F. Tsutsumi
Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry
2'24", 5Mb
LeafView: A User Interface for Automated Botanical Species Identification and Data Collection
S.M. White, D.M. Marino, S.K. Feiner
Columbia University
Mash-ups Considered Harmful! Composition and Choreography of Web Components
C. Wiecha, R. Akolkar, R. Hosn, T. Ling
IBM T.J. Watson Research Center