San Francisco, California, USA (1998)
General Chairs: Elizabeth Mynatt, Robert J. K. Jacob
Table of Contents:
Scratchpad: mechanisms for better navigation in directed Web searching (p. 1-8)
Internet scrapbook: automating Web browsing tasks by demonstration (p. 9-18)
Constant density visualizations of non-uniform distributions of data (p. 19-28)
Interactive visualization of serial periodic data (p. 29-38)
Popup vernier: a tool for sub-pixel-pitch dragging with smooth mode transition (p. 39-48)
Interaction and modeling techniques for desktop two-handed input (p. 49-58)

2'29", 30Mb
An insidious Haptic invasion: adding force feedback to the X desktop (p. 59-64)
Don't click, paint! Using toggle maps to manipulate sets of toggle switches (p. 65-66)

7'52", 59Mb
Artists and technologists working together (panel) (p. 67-69)
A user interface using fingerprint recognition: holding commands and data objects on fingers (p. 71-79)
Informative things: how to attach information to the real world (p. 81-88)
The programmable hinge: toward computationally enhanced crafts (p. 89-96)
Critical zones in desert fog: aids to multiscale navigation (p. 97-106)

5'14", 70Mb
Keywords: pad++,
critical zone analysis,
critical zone,
information navigation,
space-scale diagram,
view-based navigational aid,
MuSE: a multiscale editor (p. 107-116)

8'09", 138Mb
A multiple timeline editor for developing multi-threaded animated interfaces (p. 117-118)
A framework for sharing handwritten notes (p. 119-120)
PadPrints: graphical multiscale Web histories (p. 121-122)

2'01", 24Mb
A negotiation architecture for fluid documents (p. 123-132)

5'29", 66Mb
Supporting worker independence in collaboration transparency (p. 133-142)
Graphical query specification and dynamic result previews for a digital library (p. 143-151)
Data mountain: using spatial memory for document management (p. 153-162)

3'09", 20Mb
Audio hallway: a virtual acoustic environment for browsing (p. 163-170)
Of Vampire mirrors and privacy lamps: privacy management in multi-user augmented environments (p. 171-172)
Path drawing for 3D walkthrough (p. 173-174)

5'35", 71Mb
Spatial interpretation of domain objects integrated into a freeform electronic whiteboard (p. 175-184)
Keywords: customization,
freeform interaction,
gestural interface user interface design,
implicit structure,
informal system,
list structure,
meeting support tool,
pen-based system,
recognition-based system,
whiteboard metaphor
Automatic construction of intelligent diagram editors (p. 185-194)
A dynamic grouping technique for ink and audio notes (p. 195-202)
The music notepad (p. 203-210)

4'27", 58Mb
Integrating pen operations for composition by example (p. 211-212)

1'33", 22Mb
Cirrin: a word-level unistroke keyboard for pen input (p. 213-214)

2'59", 36Mb
Quikwriting: continuous stylus-based text entry (p. 215-216)