All deadlines are 5PM PDT unless specified otherwise
UIST (ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology) is the premier forum for innovations in the software and technology of human-computer interfaces. Sponsored by ACM's special interest groups on computer-human interaction (SIGCHI) and computer graphics (SIGGRAPH), UIST brings together researchers and practitioners from diverse areas that include traditional graphical & web user interfaces, tangible & ubiquitous computing, virtual & augmented reality, multimedia, new input & output devices, and CSCW. The intimate size, single track, and comfortable surroundings make this symposium an ideal opportunity to exchange research results and implementation experiences.
Accepted papers will be published in the UIST 2013 Conference Proceedings and the UIST 2013 Video Proceedings, and will be included in the ACM Digital Library. The primary author of each accepted paper will receive an Author Kit with detailed instructions on how to submit a final, publication-ready version of the paper. Accepted demos and posters will be made available to the conference attendees digitally.
We recommend that prospective authors consult the UIST 2013 Author's Guide. This document contains information on the reviewing process and a description of what constitutes an excellent UIST contribution, including the page format for all submissions.
We only accept electronic submissions. To submit, see the UIST Electronic Submission site (
Videos accompanying submissions should be submitted through the UIST Electronic Submission Site. Although papers must stand on their own, submitted videos will be sent to reviewers as supporting material. We refer authors preparing a video for UIST to the Video Guide. Please do not be intimidated by the guide. Videos are viewed only as supporting material, and authors of accepted papers will have the opportunity to prepare a more polished final video presentation for inclusion in the DVD proceedings and as supplemental material in the ACM Digital Library.
When submitting your video for review, please encode your video in a format that works across as many platforms as possible without the installation of additional codecs (i.e., it is best if your video will play on vanilla versions of Windows Media Player and/or Quicktime player). Please note that the total aggregate size for a submission cannot exceed 100 MBytes (including all documents and additional material).
Papers are the main medium for conveying new research results at UIST. Submissions are sought that describe original, unpublished work on user interface interaction techniques, services, devices, applications, or metaphors. Please consult the UIST 2013 Author's Guide for information on submission format and policies for previous and simultaneous publications. Note that paper submissions must be anonymous! Authors must remove their names and affiliations from the masthead and refer to their own previous work in third person when possible. See the anonymization policy for more information.
Appropriate topics include but are not limited to:
Authors of all accepted papers will also be invited and encouraged to participate in the demo session.
All papers should be submitted electronically to:
Paper Length: Papers are of variable length. Paper length must be based on the weight of the contribution. A new idea presented in a compact format is more likely to be accepted than the same idea in a long format. Exceptionally long papers (more than 10 pages) need to include very strong contributions to warrant acceptance. Shorter, more focused papers (called Tech Notes in years prior to 2011) are highly encouraged. Papers with length disproportionate to their contribution will be rejected, for example, user studies that are not integral to the paper contribution and deemed unnecessary by the reviewers would more likely lead to paper rejection than acceptance. In exceptional cases the authors will be requested to shorten papers in the camera ready.
New in 2013: Presentation time during the conference will be allocated according to the weight of contribution. Papers that are 6 or fewer pages will have shorter presentation times than longer papers at the conference (also see discussion on paper length in the above section). However, there will be no distinction made between papers in the program, proceedings or digital library. Exact talk duration will be determined when the program is finalized.
Videos: The submission of supplementary videos is highly encouraged. Especially in cases of interactive systems, videos play a crucial role in convincing the reviewers that the system presented works and works well. Videos should be no more than five minutes long and the total size of your submission (including the paper) is limited to 100MB. See the video guide for details.
Reviewing and rebuttal process: Rigorous reviewing is a UIST hallmark. Each paper will be fully reviewed by 3 external reviewers (experts in the area that are not on the committee). Primary and secondary reviewers (from the papers committee) will write meta reviews for all papers. Full reviews will be provided when necessary. On May 17, authors will be notified of their review results. If reviews fall below the auto-rejection threshold the paper will be rejected at this stage, otherwise, the authors will have the opportunity to submit a rebuttal.
Relevant dates:
All acceptances will be conditional pending changes that the papers committee may suggest or require for the final camera-ready draft. This means that a paper will not be accepted to UIST until authors revise and submit the final draft for approval by the program committee. The length of the camera-ready copy must be less or equal to the length of the original submission unless there is a strong justification for increasing the paper length, which should be agreed upon by the author's primary reviewer. In exceptional cases, the committee may accept a paper on condition that the paper will be shortened.
Program Chairs: ( Ivan Poupyrev, Disney Research, Pittsburgh USA, Takeo Igarashi, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Posters provide an interactive forum in which authors can present work to conference attendees during special poster sessions. Posters provide an opportunity to describe new work or work that is still in progress, and will be more lightly reviewed than papers.
A poster submission should follow the official SIGCHI conference publication paper format, describing the research problem, contribution, and value to UIST attendees. Note that poster submissions, unlike paper submissions, are not anonymous. In addition to the two-page paper, poster submissions require submitting a sketch of the poster itself. Both the paper and poster should be submitted as PDF files. Authors may also include a video (optional). Video files should be at most three minutes long and 50MB in size.
See the video guide, the author guide, and general submission information for more details about preparing your submission. Please do not submit the same paper to both the demo and poster tracks. Double submissions will only be considered as a demo submission and will be automatically rejected from the poster track.
Before designing your poster, we also recommend checking out the UIST 2005 Poster Example Gallery.
Accepted poster abstracts will be published together with demonstration and doctoral symposium abstracts in digital form and distributed to conference attendees. Posters and videos may also be published at the authors' discretion. Poster abstracts and previews should be submitted electronically to Precision Conference.
Posters will be displayed during the conference on Oct 10th and 11th. We expect to be able to accommodate posters of up to 30 inches by 38 inches (either vertical or horizontal), so we suggest using that size or smaller for your prototype. The standard poster size is 24 inches by 36 inches.
Relevant dates:
Posters Chairs: ( Mira Dontcheva, Adobe, USA, Daniel Avrahami, Intel Labs Seattle, USA
Peer-reviewed demonstrations show early implementations of novel, interesting, and important interaction concepts or user interface systems. They can also serve to showcase commercial products not previously described in the research literature. Demonstrations should be brief, so that they can be shown repeatedly. We particularly encourage demos with which attendees can interact.
Accepted demonstration abstracts will be published together with posters and doctoral symposium abstracts and made available digitally to conference attendees. UIST will showcase accepted demos at an evening demo reception (Wed, Oct. 9th). We will also invite authors of accepted papers to present their work at the demo reception.
A demo submission should follow the official SIGCHI conference publication paper format, and should be no more than two pages in length. Note that demo submission, unlike paper submission, is not anonymous. Note: the demo submission includes a (mock-up) photo of the demonstration showing the envisioned setup (demo hardware components, tables, chairs, lights and other equipment), as well as the demonstrators alongside conference attendees interacting with the demo. Please label and annotate all parts of the image(s) so that reviewers and organizers get a good understanding of your setup. Conference organizers will also better be able to consider your requirements when organizing the demonstration space at the conference. Submitting an accompanying video is optional, but highly encouraged. Any submitted video should be no longer than three minutes and at most 50MB in size.
Demos are non-archival: UIST demos are non-archival and UIST allows resubmission of demos previously shown at other venues. Authors should state previous demo venues in the appropriate box in the upload form and point out differences to previous demos.
See the video guide and the general submission information for more details about preparing your submission.
Both the demo abstract and the optional digital video should be submitted electronically to Precision Conference.
Relevant dates:
Demonstration Chairs: ( T. Scott Saponas, Microsoft Research, USA, Per Ola Kristensson, University of St. Andrews, UK
The UIST Doctoral Symposium is a forum in which Ph.D. students can meet and discuss their work with each other and a panel of experienced UIST researchers in an informal and interactive setting. We welcome applications from current Ph.D. students studying within the full range of disciplines and approaches that contribute to the UIST community. We will give preference to applicants beyond the proposal stage and well into their dissertation research.
Each applicant should provide a short written paper (no more than four pages in the official SIGCHI conference publication format, as described in the authors' guide). Note that doctoral symposium submission, unlike paper submission, is not anonymous. This paper should describe ongoing work and might summarize the student's full dissertation work, or highlight a particular part in depth.
The Doctoral Symposium committee will select approximately eight students to participate. Each student will be expected to give a short presentation of their work, which will be followed by extensive discussion with the panel and the other student participants. The symposium will be held on October 8th. In addition, each student is encouraged to present a poster describing his or her work to the full conference; posters will be on display during conference on October 10th and 11th.
Participants will be selected based on their anticipated contributions to the breadth and depth of the intellectual discussions of the symposium.
The symposium will start with an informal dinner on October 7th, continue all the following day, and conclude with poster presentations. Doctoral Symposium abstracts will be published together with poster and demonstration abstracts and made available digitally to conference attendees. Posters may also be published at the participant's discretion. A travel stipend, free accommodation, and free registration to the UIST conference will be provided to each participant.
Doctoral Symposium papers and poster sketches should be submitted electronically to Precision Conference.
Relevant dates:
Doctoral Symposium Chair: ( Patrick Baudisch, Hasso Plattner Institut
Application Instructions: To apply to be a student volunteer, please sign up at the UIST SV portal. If you have any questions/problems, please send an email to the Student Volunteer chairs. Please note that ITS (ACM Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces Conference) and UIST are held back-to-back this year, so you may want to consider applying as an ITS 2013 student volunteer, in case you do not get a SV position for UIST.
Questions? If you have any questions/problems, please contact the chairs at
Benefits and Duties: If you are a UIST Student Volunteer, you get ...
Student volunteers will be required to help set up and perform needed work during the conference. Duties include: bag stuffing, registration desk, AV assistance, poster and demo setup, badge checking, break monitoring, etc. Volunteers will also need to be available during the conference if tasks come up. SVs usually get to attend most of the sessions, even when working. There will be approximately 14 scheduled hours per SV.
Arriving and Leaving: SVs need to be available to help throughout the conference. You will need to arrive on or before Monday afternoon (Oct. 7) got the SV orientation and should not leave the hotel until sessions end on Friday (Oct. 11). Also, we strongly encourage you to put off leaving until as late as you possibly can, because it's traditional to have a small party for student volunteers on Friday evening. The time and place for this party will be announced when we know all the student volunteers' travel plans.
Work Schedules: To give you an idea of what to expect, you can see the UIST 2006 Student Volunteer Schedule.
Relevant Dates:
Student Volunteer Chairs: ( Eve Hoggan, HIIT / University of Helsinki, Uta Hinrichs, University of St Andrews
Get your thinking caps on and ideas flowing for the fifth annual UIST Student Innovation Contest (SIC). The goal of the contest is to innovate new interactions on state-of-the-art hardware. We give you the hardware, and you show us what you can do.
Contestants will demo their creations during the demo reception at the conference on October 10th, and the winners will be announced the same day. A jury of UIST-celebrities will select two winners in each of the "most creative" and "most useful" categories, and conference attendees vote for their two favorites in the "people's choice" category.
Check out the contest page for the announcement video of this year's hardware, prizes available, our sponsors, as well as more details about registering for the contest -
Relevant Dates:
Student Innovation Contest Chairs: ( David Kim, Newcastle University, UK; Nicolai Marquardt, University of Calgary, Canada; Gabriel Reyes, Georgia Tech., USA