We strongly recommend submitting papers in the 2-column format, but will accept papers for review as either 1- or 2-column paper format if you are authoring in Word. The rationale for strongly recommending a 2-column format is that reviewers have generally expressed a strong preference for printing and reading PDFs in a two-column format. Additionally, the PDFs that appear in the digital library are ultimately two-column. However, as we do use the TAPS workflow, we understand that Word users may want to utilize the single-column template.
Your submission must be original. UIST only accepts original submissions. This means that your submission cannot have been published in another peer-reviewed venue or be under concurrent review at another peer-reviewed venue. Similarly, if you make multiple submissions to UIST 2025 Papers, their contributions must be distinct & self-contained from each other. Please refer to the author guide for details. Additionally, authors should avoid generating content using AI-agents (e.g., LLMs such as ChatGPT or similar), but the usage of these tools is allowed for editing and checking the author’s own text.
Revised Papers from Prior Submissions: To ensure consistency of the review process, we encourage authors of previously rejected papers to upload the prior version of the paper, corresponding reviews, and summary of changes from the last round of submission as part of the UIST 2025 paper submission process.
In PCS, first click “Submissions” at the top of the page, from the dropdown menus for society, conference, and track select “SIGCHI”, “UIST 2025” and “UIST 2025 Papers”, respectively, and press “Go.” This track will be opened a few weeks before the submission deadline.
UIST papers are of variable length. Paper length must be based on the weight of the contribution. A new idea presented in a compact format is more likely to be accepted than the same idea in a long format, and shorter, more focused papers are encouraged. As a guideline, consider
Short Papers being submissions of 5,000 words or less.
Standard Length Papers being submissions between 5,000 and 12,000 words are considered standard length (about 7,000-8,000 words on average).
Size: < 20 MB (compressed PDF files are encouraged during submission)
Please make appendices as separate PDF files and upload them as supplementary materials instead of including them as a subsection at the end of the original paper manuscript.
Accompanying Video
Optional, but highly encouraged
Resolution of 1080p (1920 x 1080) or 4k (3840 x 2160 px), encoded as MP4 using the H.264 codec
No more than 5 minutes long
Size: < 250 MB
Subtitles are required using a separate .srt or .sbv file
Maximum File Size
Maximum total size for all files < 300 MB
Anonymous, i.e. authors must remove their names and affiliations throughout all submission materials (paper, videos, supplementary material) (anonymity policy )
Discuss your own prior work in 3rd person and include a full reference with names.
Selection Process
Refereed, i.e. the program committee and two external reviewers will review submitted papers
Archival, i.e. accepted papers will be published in the ACM Digital Library and distributed in digital form to conference attendees
Quick rejection / Desk rejection policy
Papers, where the length is incommensurate with contributions, will be desk rejected. Submissions of more than 12,000 words will be desk rejected if their length is not justified. In a very exceptional case, such submissions may be considered for full review, but authors must provide clear strong justification for why submissions are required to be more than 12,000 words.
Anonymization Policy. Authors are expected to anonymize their identities in the body of the paper but leave citations to their previous work unanonymized so that reviewers can ensure that all previous research has been taken into account by the authors. Authors are required to cite their own work in the third person, e.g., avoid “As described in our previous work [10], …” and use instead “As described by Chetty et al. [10], …”. Papers that violate the anonymization policy by explicitly and unequivocally identifying the authors (i.e., beyond allowing the reviewers to simply "guess"), including within the supplemental materials or external links to datasets, code repositories, etc., will be desk rejected.
If you have any concurrent submissions to UIST or other venues that are closely related – i.e., are based on the same study, artifact, or dataset – you must include an anonymized version of that submission to the concurrent submissions field. Failure to do so will result in desk rejection. Please see ACM guide on prior and simultaneous submissions .
Research Quality and Lack of Relevant Context: Papers must include sufficient detail for reviewers to evaluate research quality according to the norms and expectations of the UIST community. Papers should demonstrate clear connections to existing research literature in HCI and related fields, showing how the work builds upon or relates to prior work. Papers that lack adequate methodological details for proper evaluation, or that fail to engage with relevant prior research, may be desk rejected.
Please ensure that you use one of the correct templates listed above (double-column or single-column format from the ACM). Use of different templates or formats may result in desk rejection.
Your paper must be stand alone. Authors are encouraged to provide supplementary materials to support practices around research reproducibility as much as possible, however all important information to understand the contributions of your work must be in the main paper PDF. Heavy reliance on appendices and/or supplementary materials can be a ground for rejection including desk rejection.
Final Publication Format
As required by the TAPS workflow, camera-ready manuscripts of all papers that have been accepted must be submitted in the formats listed below for final publication in the ACM Digital Library.
For LaTeX authors, your source files will be used to auto-generate (1) a double-column PDF (example PDF ), and (2) an accessible and responsive webpage (example HTML ) that will be placed in the Digital Library.
For Word authors, you will need to submit your paper in single-column format to correctly auto-generate (1) a double-column PDF (example PDF ), and (2) an accessible and responsive webpage (example HTML ) in the Digital Library.
Presentation Format
Talk at the conference delivered by one or more authors of the paper
Video Preview
Video previews are mandatory.
Recommended resolution: 1080p (1920 x 1080) or 4k (3840 x 2160 px), encoded as MP4 using the H.264 codec
Length: 30 seconds
Size: < 150 MB
Subtitles are required using a separate .srt or .sbv file
Please see the video guide for more information on producing a video preview.
We strongly recommend that authors make their videos accessible through following the guidelines under Making Video Figures Accessible .
Demo Fast Track
Authors of accepted papers will be invited to participate in the UIST demo session. Details about this special/fast track of demos will be found on the demo page.
Please note that a DOI will not be provided for invited demo papers. Authors interested in having a DOI for their demo paper should consider submitting to the regular demo track.
Additional Notes
Accessibility: Accessible submissions are essential for reviewers and are good practice. To this end, we allow 2 more grace days after the paper submission deadline to provide alt-text for all figures and tables and upload video subtitles to make your optional video accessible. Allowing additional time for your paper and video submissions to be accessible will help increase the quality of the conference overall and enable us to facilitate accessible reviewing. If the authors have difficulties with making their submission materials accessible, they are encouraged to contact the UIST 2025 Accessibility Chairs by emailing accessibility2025@uist.org and volunteers with questions or for assistance to ensure that all accessible materials are submitted by the deadline. We strongly recommend that authors read the SIGCHI Guidelines for an Accessible Submission which describes the process to make a paper submission accessible, as well as the SIGCHI Technical Requirements and Guidelines for Videos , which describes the process of accessible video creation and captioning.
Diversity and Inclusion. Accepted papers will be considered beyond their academic values but also for their role in enriching our community by fostering diversity and inclusiveness. The UIST’25 committee will select one or more papers for the “Belonging & Inclusion Best Paper Award.” More details will be available on this page after the submission deadline.
We will continue to put the papers up publicly on the ACM DL a week in advance of the conference.
Authors may submit a rebuttal after the reviews are released. Though the ACs may indicate if the rebuttal is likely to help the paper being accepted (based on reviews and internal discussions), any author may choose to respond. A rebuttal response by Associate Chairs and external reviewers will be enforced by the Program Chairs as much as possible.
The video has traditionally been due the same day as paper submissions and this has always been stressful. We will allow for 2 more grace days after the paper submission deadline for uploading your optional video.
Open source: Our community welcomes open source and encourages the practice of creating software/hardware and sharing it through open-source and public repositories. However, open source is not a requirement or prerequisite for acceptance. Open source, as well as many other types of artifacts (e.g., videos, datasets, raw data, appendices), is recommended but completely optional, and will not be used for evaluation criteria. The paper should be evaluated on its own merits, not depending on supporting artifacts that are not submitted by the authors.
ACM’s Publication Policies
By submitting your article to an ACM Publication, you are hereby acknowledging that you and your co-authors are subject to all ACM Publications Policies, including ACM’s new Publications Policy on Research Involving Human Participants and Subjects. Alleged violations of this policy or any ACM Publications Policy will be investigated by ACM and may result in a full retraction of your paper, in addition to other potential penalties, as per ACM Publications Policy.
Please ensure that you and your co-authors obtain an ORCID ID, so you can complete the publishing process for your accepted paper. ACM has been involved in ORCID from the start and we have recently made a commitment to collect ORCID IDs from all of our published authors. The collection process has started and will roll out as a requirement throughout 2022. We are committed to improve author discoverability, ensure proper attribution and contribute to ongoing community efforts around name normalization; your ORCID ID will help in these efforts.