UIST 2018

31st ACM User Interface Software and Technology Symposium

Berlin, Germany

October 14-17, 2018

UIST 2018 Overview

The ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST) is the premier forum for innovations in human-computer interfaces. Sponsored by ACM special interest groups on computer-human interaction (SIGCHI) and computer graphics (SIGGRAPH), UIST brings together people from diverse areas including graphical & web user interfaces, tangible & ubiquitous computing, virtual & augmented reality, multimedia, new input & output devices, and CSCW. The intimate size and intensive program make UIST an ideal opportunity to exchange research results and ideas. Join us in Berlin!


Lasting Impact

  • SearchTogether: An Interface for Collaborative Web Search
    Meredith Ringel Morris and Eric Horvitz
    Awarded for its influential exploration of synchronous and asynchronous remote collaborative web search, integrating support for mutual awareness between users, division of labor among users, and persistence across sessions. This has inspired much new research and development in collaborative information seeking.

Best Paper

  • Authoring and Verifying Human-Robot Interactions
    David Porfirio, Allison Sauppé, Aws Albarghouthi and Bilge Mutlu
  • Porta: Profiling Software Tutorials Using Operating-System-Wide Activity Tracing
    Alok Mysore and Philip J. Guo
  • RESi: A Highly Flexible, Pressure-Sensitive, Imperceptible Textile Interface Based on Resistive Yarns
    Patrick Parzer, Florian Perteneder, Kathrin Probst, Christian Rendl, Joanne Leong, Sarah Schuetz, Anita Vogl, Reinhard Schwoediauer, Martin Kaltenbrunner, Siegfried Bauer and Michael Haller

Honorable Mention

  • Ply: A Visual Web Inspector for Learning from Professional Webpages
    Sarah Lim, Joshua Hibschman, Haoqi Zhang and Eleanor O'Rourke
  • SilentVoice: Unnoticeable Voice Input by Ingressive Speech
    Masaaki Fukumoto
  • Vibrosight: Long-Range Vibrometry for Smart Environment Sensing
    Yang Zhang, Gierad Laput and Chris Harrison
  • Adasa: A Conversational In-Vehicle Digital Assistant for Advanced Driver Assistance Features
    Shih-Chieh Lin, Chang- Hong Hsu, Walter Talamonti, Yunqi Zhang, Steve Oney, Jason Mars, Lingjia Tang

People's Choice Best Demo

  • I/O Braid: Scalable Touch-Sensitive Lighted Cords Using Spiraling, Repeating Sensing Textiles and Fiber Optics
    Alex Olwal, Jon Moeller, Greg Priest-Dorman, Thad Starner, Ben Carroll

Best Talk

  • SilentVoice: Unnoticeable Voice Input by Ingressive Speech
    Masaaki Fukumoto

People's Choice Best Poster

  • ZEUSSS: Zero Energy Ubiquitous Sound Sensing Surface Leveraging Triboelectric Nanogenerator and Analog Backscatter Communication
    Nivedita Arora, Gregory D. Abowd

Student Innovation Contest

Most Creative
  • Most Creative Award: Keio University
    Team FOX (Mondo Saito, Ryosuke Fujiki and Makoto Amano)
  • Honorable Mention: Keio University
    Team VoiSports (Motoki Watanabe, Shinsuke Tomizawa and Soma Sakata)
Best Implementation
  • Best Implementation Award: University of Michigan
    Team DoodleIT (Shiqing (Licia) He, Yue Wang, Mengzhu(Olivia) Ouyang, Hariharan Subramonyam)
  • Honorable Mention: National Taiwan University
    Team MakeBar (Pai-Chen Yen and Bo-Xiang Wang)

People’s Choice

  • People's Choice Award: Keio University
    Team FOX (Mondo Saito, Ryosuke Fujiki, Makoto Amano)
  • Honorable Mention: Chengdu University of Information Technology
    Team IMSGroup (Yanjun Chen, Chenmei Yu, Yuwei Li, Sirui Wang, Yao Zeng, and Jingyun Yang)
A link to all of the SIC entries can be found here.

Important dates

Date Preliminary Schedule
October 11th-14th, 2018 UIST School
October 14th, 2018 9am-6pm Doctoral symposium at Hasso Plattner Institute

October 14th, 2018 5:30pm
Meet in front of the conference venue bcc at
5:00pm, 5:30pm, 6:00pm, or 6:30pm

Opening reception with exhibitions at Hasso Plattner Institute
October 15th-17th, 2018 Main Conference

Keynote Speakers

Jaime Teevan


We tend to set ourselves up to thrive in a particular state while ignoring the transitions between states. But there is magic in the transitions; they are where unexpected and interesting things happen. There is an opportunity for our user interfaces to better support the transitions we make. In this talk I will share some of what I have learned from years of productivity research about how to successfully transition between tasks over the course of a day, and reflect on how these findings might be extended to help us understand how we, as academics and practitioners, can successfully transition through the various contexts and roles that we hold in a lifetime.


Jaime Teevan is Chief Scientist for Microsoft‘s Experiences and Devices, where she is helping Microsoft create the future of productivity. Previously she was the Technical Advisor to Microsoft’s CEO, Satya Nadella, and a Principal Researcher at Microsoft Research AI, where she led the Productivity team. Dr. Teevan has published hundreds of award-winning research papers, technical articles, books, and patents, and given keynotes around the world. Her groundbreaking research earned her the Technology Review TR35 Young Innovator, Borg Early Career, Karen Spärck Jones, and SIGIR Test of Time awards. She holds a Ph.D. from MIT and a B.S. from Yale, and is an affiliate professor at the University of Washington.

Selma Šabanović


Robots are expected to become ubiquitous in the near future, working with people in various environments, including homes, schools, hospitals, and offices. Healthcare applications, particularly those relating to the support and care of older adults, are a main focus of development for ubiquitous robotic technologies. As physically and socially interactive technologies, robots present new opportunities for embodied interaction and active as well as passive sensing in these contexts. They have also been shown to psychologically impact individuals, affect group and organizational dynamics, and modify our concepts and experiences of work, care, and social relationships.More

Designing robots for ubiquitous, everyday use requires understanding how robots are perceived, and can be adopted and supported in open-ended, natural social circumstances. This, in turn, requires design and evaluation methodologies that go beyond dyadic and small group interactions in laboratories that have largely been the focus of research in human-robot interaction. In this talk, I will present alternative perspectives on the design and evaluation of socially interactive robotic technologies in real-world contexts, focusing on several case studies of socially assistive robots in eldercare.I will first discuss how older adults make sense of robots for use in their homes, in relation to the broader social contexts in which they live, as part of collaborative design activities, and in the course of month-long implementations of robots in their homes. These in-home studies bring up various issues relating to the types of data older adults and the clinicians who work with them would like to collect, related privacy concerns, impacts on other people in the home, and how robot designs can support the relationships older adults hope to have with and through robots. Secondly, I will explore the institutional and community-based use and design of robots in different eldercare facilities, including a nursing home, a retirement community, and an intergenerational daycare. These studies bring out how robots fit into and affect the institutional and group dynamics of interaction, and also allow us to explore how robots might be envisioned as technologies that can support not only individual, but community-level goals.

Through these case studies of eldercare robots, as emerging ubiquitous interactive technologies, I will bring out themes that can inform the design and study of pervasive systems, including collaborative design, the use of data collected during social interactions with and around technologies, related ethical concerns, and the need for incorporating the aims of groups, institutions, and communities in the design of intelligent interactive technologies.


Selma Šabanović is an Associate Professor of Informatics and Cognitive Science at Indiana University, Bloomington, where she founded and directs the R-House Human-Robot Interaction Lab. Her research focuses on the design, use, and consequences of socially interactive and assistive robots in different social and cultural contexts, including healthcare institutions, user homes, and various countries. She draws on theories and approaches from the social sciences to design and implement intelligent interactive technologies in ways that provide measurable benefits to users and their communities. She also explores values and ethics in robotics for everyday use through collaborative design with diverse users, including older adults, clinicians, and children.More

Along with her position at IU, Šabanović has been a Visiting Professor at Bielefeld University's Cluster of Excellence in Cognitive Interaction Technology (CITEC), a lecturer in Stanford University's Program in Science, Technology and Society, and a visiting scholar at the Intelligent Systems Institute in AIST, Tsukuba, Japan and the Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University in 2005. She was awarded IU’s Outstanding Junior Faculty Award in 2013, and the Trustee’s Teaching Award in 2016 and 2018. She currently serves as the Co-Editor in Chief of the ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction, and was the General Chair of the ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2018). She received her PhD in Science and Technology Studies from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in 2007, with a dissertation on the cross-cultural study of social robotics design in Japan and the US.



ACM UIST 2018 will be held in central Berlin, Germany from October 14th to October 17th, 2018. The conference venue bcc (Berlin Congress Center) is right at the center of Berlin, near the "Fernsehturm Berlin" and "Alexanderplatz". The main technical program starts on October 15th. Doctoral Symposium will be held on October 14th, 2018 9am-6pm at the Hasso Plattner Institute

More information    

source: www.visitBerlin.de

Co-Located Events

UIST attendees are welcome to SUI's closing keynote by Gregory Welch