You can access the UIST 2018 proceedings at the ACM Digital Library free of charge for one year. Full text article files (PDFs) will be available at the first day of the conference. Find here all the proceedings and adjunct proceedings. The printed program can be found here. ACM has requested that all individuals download the conference proceedings directly from the ACM DL so that they may capture usage statistics. However, if you are at the conference, we do have a digital master zip file that is available by request. Please contact the proceedings ( or registration chairs ( for more information.
For a more detailed overview, you can schedule through Confer system, web app, and mobile apps (iOS/Android). If the SIGCHI native app is not working, please use the progressive web app that can be installed (added to home screen) and supports offline usage and login for custom schedule.
Please check out the video previews of all papers on YouTube.
09:00-18:00 |
Doctoral symposium (Bourbon) |
16:00-21:00 |
Registration (Archade) |
18:00-21:00 |
Opening Reception (Foyer & Evangeline) |
08:00-18:00 |
Registration (Archade) |
08:15-09:00 |
Coffee & Tea (Foyer) |
08:30-09:00 |
Welcome Remarks (Grand Ballroom) |
09:00-10:00 |
Opening Keynote: "How We Make Impact" by Elizabeth Gerber (Grand Ballroom) |
10:00-11:00 |
Coffee Break (Foyer) |
11:00-12:30 |
Technical Paper Session: Knitting, Weaving, Fabrics (South Ballroom)Session chair: Emily Whiting Each talk is 18 minutes: 15-min presentation + 3-min Q&A. | Captioning Link KnitPicking Textures: Programming and Modifying Complex Knitted Textures for Machine and Hand Knitting SensorSnaps: Integrating Wireless Sensor Nodes into Fabric Snap Fasteners for Textile Interfaces Tessutivo: Contextual Interactions on Interactive Fabrics with Inductive Sensing 3D Printed Fabric: Techniques for Design and 3D Weaving Programmable Textiles Knitting Skeletons: A Computer-Aided Design Tool for Shaping and Patterning of Knitted Garments Technical Paper Session: Software and Hardware Development (North Ballroom)Session chair: Elena Glassman Each talk is 18 minutes: 15-min presentation + 3-min Q&A. | Captioning Link Unakite: Scaffolding Developers’ Decision-Making Using the Web Mercury: Empowering Programmers' Mobile Work Practices with Microproductivity X-Droid: A Quick and Easy Android Prototyping Framework with a Single-App Illusion CircuitStyle: A System for Peripherally Reinforcing Best Practices in Hardware Computing Proxino: Enabling Prototyping of Virtual Circuits with Physical Proxies Check out Monday paper video previews: UIST 2019 Monday Paper Video Previews |
12:30-14:00 |
Lunch Break (URM Lunch) |
14:00-16:00 |
Technical Paper Session: Augmented and Mixed Reality (South Ballroom)Session chair: Robert Xiao Each talk is 18 minutes: 15-min presentation + 3-min Q&A. | Captioning Link Portal-ble: Intuitive Free-hand Manipulation in Unbounded Smartphone-based Augmented Reality Context-Aware Online Adaptation of Mixed Reality Interfaces Loki: Facilitating Remote Instruction of Physical Tasks Using Bi-Directional Mixed-Reality Telepresence InfoLED: Augmenting LED Indicator Lights for Device Positioning and Communication LightAnchors: Appropriating Point Lights for Spatially-Anchored Augmented Reality Interfaces *UPDATED* MeCap: Whole-Body Digitization for Low-Cost VR/AR Headsets Technical Paper Session: Media Authoring (North Ballroom)Session chair: Takeo Igarashi Each talk is 18 minutes: 15-min presentation + 3-min Q&A. | Captioning Link Sketchforme: Composing Sketched Scenes from Text Descriptions for Interactive Applications Optimizing Portrait Lighting at Capture-Time Using a 360 Camera as a Light Probe Videostrates: Collaborative, Distributed and Programmable Video Manipulation View-Dependent Video Textures for 360° Video HairBrush for Immersive Data-Driven Hair Modeling Sketch-n-Sketch: Output-Directed Programming for SVG Check out Monday paper video previews: UIST 2019 Monday Paper Video Previews |
16:00-16:30 |
Coffee Break (Foyer) |
16:30-18:00 |
Technical Paper Session: Soft, Silky, Stretchy (South Ballroom)Session chair: Alex Olwal Each talk is 18 minutes: 15-min presentation + 3-min Q&A. | Captioning Link Self-healing UI: Mechanically and Electrically Self-healing Materials for Sensing and Actuation Interfaces Skin-On Interfaces: A Bio-Driven Approach for Artificial Skin Design to Cover Interactive Devices M-Hair: Creating Novel Tactile Feedback by Augmenting the Body Hair to Respond to Magnetic Field Morphlour: Personalized Flour-based Morphing Food Induced by Dehydration or Hydration Method Soft Inkjet Circuits: Rapid Multi-Material Fabrication of Soft Circuits using a Commodity Inkjet Printer Technical Paper Session: Accessibility (North Ballroom)Session chair: Xiang 'Anthony' Chen Each talk is 18 minutes: 15-min presentation + 3-min Q&A. | Captioning Link Supporting Elder Connectedness through Cognitively Sustainable Design Interactions with the Memory Music Box StateLens: A Reverse Engineering Solution for Making Existing Dynamic Touchscreens Accessible Designing AR Visualizations to Facilitate Stair Navigation for People with Low Vision GesturePod: Enabling On-device Gesture-based Interaction for White Cane Users Check out Monday paper video previews: UIST 2019 Monday Paper Video Previews |
18:00-21:00 |
Demo Reception (Foyer, Evangeline, Fleur de Lis, Courtyard, Royal Conti). 60+ Demos, including:ReMap: Multimodal Help-Seeking Rapid Prototyping of Paper Electronics Using a Metal Leaf and Laser Printer Optical See-Through Head-Mounted Display with Deep Depth of Field Using Pinhole Polarizing Plates Tangible Projection Mapping onto Deformable Moving Thin Plants via Markerless Tracking Visualizing Out-of-synchronization in Group Dancing A Demonstration on Dynamic Drawing Guidance via Electromagnetic Haptic Feedback Occlusion-aware Hand Posture Based Interaction on Tabletop Projector Extending AR Interaction through 3D Printed Tangible Interfaces in an Urban Planning Context Prismodule: Modular UI for Smartphones Using Internal Reflection Demo of AuraRing: Precise Electromagnetic Finger Tracking Proposal of Lens Shaping Method Using UV Printer Hot Stamping of Electric Circuits by 3D Printer VARiable HMD: Optical See-Through HMD for AR and VR Machine-o-Matic: a Programming Environment for Prototyping Digital Fabrication Workflows Demonstration of TORC: A Virtual Reality Controller for In-Hand High-Dexterity Finger Interaction A Match Made in Heaven: streaming Real-time Imagery from a Lightfield Camera to a Lightfield Display [SUI] Object Manipulation by Absolute Pointing with a Smartphone Gyro Sensor [SUI] A Viewpoint Control Method for 360-Degrees Media Using Helmet Touch Interface Check out poster & demo video previews: UIST 2019 Poster & Demo Video Previews |
08:30-18:00 |
Registration (Archade) |
08:30-09:00 |
Coffee & Tea (Foyer) |
09:00-10:30 |
Technical Paper Session: VR Headsets (South Ballroom)Session chair: Stephen DiVerdi Each talk is 18 minutes: 15-min presentation + 3-min Q&A. | Captioning Link FaceWidgets: Exploring Tangible Interaction on Face with Head-Mounted Displays ElastImpact: 2.5D Multilevel Instant Impact Using Elasticity on Head-Mounted Displays Masque: Exploring Lateral Skin Stretch Feedback on the Face with Head-Mounted Displays *UPDATED* Learning Cooperative Personalized Policies from Gaze Data MagicalHands: Mid-Air Hand Gestures for Animating in VR Technical Paper Session: Human-Robot Interaction (North Ballroom)Session chair: Walter Lasecki Each talk is 18 minutes: 15-min presentation + 3-min Q&A. | Captioning Link Bodystorming Human-Robot Interactions ShapeBots: Shape-changing Swarm Robots Third-Person Piloting: Increasing Situational Awareness using a Spatially Coupled Second Drone GhostAR: A Time-space Editor for Embodied Authoring of Human-Robot Collaborative Task with Augmented Reality A 3D Printer Head as a Robotic Manipulator Check out Tuesday paper video previews: UIST 2019 Tuesday Paper Video Previews |
10:30-11:00 |
Coffee Break (Foyer) |
11:00-12:30 |
Technical Paper Session: Statistics and Interactive Machine Learning (North Ballroom)Session chair: Scott Klemmer Each talk is 18 minutes: 15-min presentation + 3-min Q&A. | Captioning Link Is this Real? Generating Synthetic Data that Looks Real Bespoke: Interactively Synthesizing Custom GUIs from Command-Line Applications By Demonstration PUMICE: A Multi-Modal Agent that Learns Concepts and Conditionals from Natural Language and Demonstrations Tea: A High-level Language and Runtime System for Automating Statistical Analysis Mallard: Turn the Web into a Contextualized Prototyping Environment for Machine Learning Technical Paper Session: Physical Displays (South Ballroom)Session chair: Chris Harrison Each talk is 18 minutes: 15-min presentation + 3-min Q&A. | Captioning Link BubBowl: Display Vessel Using Electrolysis Bubbles in Drinkable Beverages Interactive 360-Degree Glasses-Free Tabletop 3D Display TilePoP: Tile-type Pop-up Prop for Virtual Reality LeviProps: Animating Levitated Optimized Fabric Structures using Holographic Acoustic Tweezers milliMorph -- Fluid-Driven Thin Film Shape-Change Materials for Interaction Design Check out Tuesday paper video previews: UIST 2019 Tuesday Paper Video Previews |
12:30-14:00 |
Lunch Break (Women's Lunch) |
14:00-16:00 |
Technical Paper Session: Fabrication (North Ballroom)Session chair: Michelle Annett Each talk is 18 minutes: 15-min presentation + 3-min Q&A. | Captioning Link Robiot: A Design Tool for Actuating Everyday Objects with Automatically Generated 3D Printable Mechanisms StackMold: Rapid Prototyping of Functional Multi-Material Objects with Selective Levels of Surface Details Photo-Chromeleon: Re-Programmable Multi-Color Textures Using Photochromic Dyes Turn-by-Wire: Computationally Mediated Physical Fabrication SpringFit: Joints and Mounts that Fabricate on Any Laser Cutter Ondulé: Designing and Controlling 3D Printable Springs Technical Paper Session: Haptics and Illusions (South Ballroom)Session chair: Fraser Anderson Each talk is 18 minutes: 15-min presentation + 3-min Q&A. | Captioning Link SWISH: A Shifting-Weight Interface of Simulated Hydrodynamics for Haptic Perception of Virtual Fluid Vessels Aero-plane: A Handheld Force-Feedback Device that Renders Weight Motion Illusion on a Virtual 2D Plane Mise-Unseen: Using Eye Tracking to Hide Virtual Reality Scene Changes in Plain Sight Pull-Ups: Enhancing Suspension Activities in Virtual Reality with Body-Scale Kinesthetic Force Feedback PseudoBend: Producing Haptic Illusions of Stretching, Bending, and Twisting Using Grain Vibrations CapstanCrunch: A Haptic VR Controller with User-supplied Force Feedback Check out Tuesday paper video previews: UIST 2019 Tuesday Paper Video Previews |
16:00-17:00 |
Coffee Break and Poster Session (Foyer & Evangeline Suite). 20+ Posters, including:InteractivePaper: Minimalism in Document Editing UI Through the Handwriting Prism Plotshop: An Interactive System for Designing a 2D Data Distribution on a Scatter Plot Estimating Focused Object using Smooth Pursuit Eye Movements and Interest Points in the Real World Distance-driven User Interface for Collaborative Exhibit Viewing in Augmented Reality Museum ScreenTrack: Using Visual History for Self-tracking Computer Activities and Retrieving Working Context Pre-screen: Assisting Material Screening in Early-stage of Video Editing What Did I Miss? Assisting User-adaptive Missed Content Reviewing in MOOC Learning Stick User Interface An Investigation of Electrode Design for Physical Touch Extensions on a Capacitive Touch Surface Towards Consistent Haptic Coupling with HaptiStrap: Doing Better than "Tight yet Comfortable" CalliScan: On-device Privacy-Preserving Image-based Handwritten Text Recognition with Visual Hints Rapid Prototyping of Pneumatically Actuated Inflatable Structures Choose a Lift and Walk into It: Manifesting Choice Blindness in Real-life Scenarios using Immersive Virtual Reality Audio Substituting Haptic System to Aware the Sound from Backwards Auditory Uta-KARUTA: Sonificated Card Game towards Inclusive Design Ardestan: A Visual Programming Language for Arduino [SUI] Effects of Shared Gaze Parameters on Visual Target Identification Task Performance in Augmented Reality [SUI] Effects of Dark Mode on Visual Fatigue and Acuity in Optical See-Through Head-Mounted Displays [SUI] Analysis of Peripheral Vision and Vibrotactile Feedback During Proximal Search Tasks in Augmented Reality [SUI] Understanding the Effect of the Combination of Navigation Tools in Learning Spatial Knowledge [SUI] LIVE: the human role while Learning in an Immersive Virtual Environment Check out poster & demo video previews: UIST 2019 Poster & Demo Video Previews |
17:00-18:00 |
UIST Visions (Grand Ballroom)Homo Cyberneticus: The Era of Human-AI Integration A World Without Apps |
From 19:00 |
Conference Reception & Student Innovation Contest (the Aquarium) |
08:30-18:00 |
Registration (Archade) |
08:30-09:00 |
Coffee & Tea (Foyer) |
09:00-10:30 |
Technical Paper Session: Text (North Ballroom)Session chair: Parmit Chilana Each talk is 18 minutes: 15-min presentation + 3-min Q&A. | Captioning Link Beyond the Input Stream: Making Text Entry Evaluations More Flexible with Transcription Sequences Type, Then Correct: Intelligent Text Correction Techniques for Mobile Text Entry Using Neural Networks Gaze-Assisted Typing for Smart Glasses SpaceInk: Making Space for In-Context Annotations TipText: Eyes-Free Text Entry on a Fingertip Keyboard Technical Paper Session: Haptics (South Ballroom)Session chair: Karon MacLean Each talk is 18 minutes: 15-min presentation + 3-min Q&A. | Captioning Link SCALE: Enhancing Force-based Interaction by Processing Load Data from Load Sensitive Modules Virtual Muscle Force: Communicating Kinesthetic Forces Through Pseudo-Haptic Feedback and Muscle Input Tactlets: Adding Tactile Feedback to 3D Objects Using Custom Printed Controls Mantis: A Scalable, Lightweight and Accessible Architecture to Build Multiform Force Feedback Systems HapSense: A Soft Haptic I/O Device with Uninterrupted Dual Functionalities of Force Sensing and Vibrotactile Actuation Check out Wednesday paper video previews: UIST 2019 Wednesday Paper Video Previews |
10:30-11:00 |
Coffee Break (Foyer) |
11:00-12:30 |
Technical Paper Session: Sensing (South Ballroom)Session chair: Gierad Laput Each talk is 18 minutes: 15-min presentation + 3-min Q&A. | Captioning Link Opisthenar: Hand Poses and Finger Tapping Recognition by Observing Back of Hand Using Embedded Wrist Camera Sozu: Self-Powered Radio Tags for Building-Scale Activity Sensing LabelAR: A Spatial Guidance Interface for Fast Computer Vision Image Collection RFTouchPads: Batteryless and Wireless Modular Touch Sensor Pads Based on RFID PrivateTalk: Activating Voice Input with Hand-On-Mouth Gesture Detected by Bluetooth Earphones Technical Paper Session: Touch Input (North Ballroom)Session chair: Mayank Goel Each talk is 18 minutes: 15-min presentation + 3-min Q&A. | Captioning Link Ohmic-Sticker: Force-to-Motion Type Input Device that Extends Capacitive Touch Surface Modeling the Uncertainty in 2D Moving Target Selection Tip-Tap: Battery-free Discrete 2D Fingertip Input Accurate and Low-Latency Sensing of Touch Contact on Any Surface with Finger-Worn IMU Sensor Multi-Touch Kit: A Do-It-Yourself Technique for Capacitive Multi-Touch Sensing Using a Commodity Microcontroller Check out Wednesday paper video previews: UIST 2019 Wednesday Paper Video Previews |
12:30-14:00 |
Lunch Break |
13:00-13:45 |
Town Hall Meeting (North Ballroom. Note: lunch is not included) |
14:00-15:30 |
Technical Paper Session: Walking, Jumping, Roaming (North Ballroom)Session chair: Sean Follmer Each talk is 18 minutes: 15-min presentation + 3-min Q&A. | Captioning Link Redirected Jumping: Perceptual Detection Rates for Curvature Gains DreamWalker: Substituting Real-World Walking Experiences with a Virtual Reality The Memory Palace: Exploring Visual-Spatial Paths for Strong, Memorable, Infrequent Authentication Drift-Correction Techniques for Scale-Adaptive VR Navigation CAVRN: An Exploration and Evaluation of a Collective Audience Virtual Reality Nexus Experience Technical Paper Session: 3D and VR Input (South Ballroom)Session chair: David Lindlbauer Each talk is 18 minutes: 15-min presentation + 3-min Q&A. | Captioning Link ActiTouch: Robust Touch Detection for On-Skin AR/VR Interfaces Eye&Head: Synergetic Eye and Head Movement for Pointing and Selection Resized Grasping in VR: Estimating Thresholds for Object Discrimination Plane, Ray, and Point: Enabling Precise Spatial Manipulations with Shape Constraints INVANER: INteractive VAscular Network Editing and Repair Check out Wednesday paper video previews: UIST 2019 Wednesday Paper Video Previews |
15:30-16:30 |
Coffee Break and Poster Session (Foyer & Evengeline Suite), 20+ Posters, including:Cross-Ratio Based Gaze Estimation for Multiple Displays using a Polarization Camera Evaluating the Minimum Jerk Motion Model for Redirected Reach in Virtual Reality Gel-based Haptic Mediator for High-Definition Tactile Communication A New Approach to Studying Sleep in Autonomous Vehicles: Simulating the Waking Situation Towards Instantaneous Recovery From Autonomous System Failures via Predictive Crowdsourcing Voice Input Interface Failures and Frustration: Developer and User Perspectives Say and Find it: A Multimodal Wearable Interface for People with Visual Impairment LiftTiles: Modular and Reconfigurable Room-scale Shape Displays through Retractable Inflatable Actuators TransVoice: Real-Time Voice Conversion for Augmenting Near-Field Speech Communication Pneu-Multi-Tools: Self-Morphing Multi-Haptic Interface By Pneumatics In VR BodyHub: A Reconfigurable Wearable System for Clothing HeatMat: Designing Internal Structures for Supporting Hands-on Design Activity with Heated 3D Printed Objects Aesop: Authoring Engaging Digital Storytelling Experiences ARComposer: Authoring Augmented Reality Experiences through Text Gaze-based Product Filtering: A System for Creating Adaptive User Interfaces to Personalize Stateless Point-of-Sale Machines Towards Universal Evaluation of Image Annotation Interfaces [Doctoral Symposium] Data Structures for Designing Interactions with Contextual Task Support [Doctoral Symposium] Advancing Accessible 3D Design for the Blind and Visually-Impaired via Tactile Shape Displays [Doctoral Symposium] Circuit Design Tools for Exploratory Understanding [Doctoral Symposium] Collective Shape-changing Interfaces [Doctoral Symposium] Designing Interactive Intelligent Systems for Human Learning, Creativity, and Sensemaking [Doctoral Symposium] Improving Viewer Engagement and Communication Efficiency within Non-Entertainment Live Streaming [Doctoral Symposium] Performance-based Expressive Character Animation [Doctoral Symposium] Lucid Fabrication Check out poster & demo video previews: UIST 2019 Poster & Demo Video Previews |
16:30-17:30 |
Closing Keynote: "Virtual Conferences" by Cristina (Crista) Lopes (Grand Ballroom) |
17:30-18:00 |
Closing Ceremony (Grand Ballroom) |