
Sunday, October 16, 2016
16:00 - 20:00 Registration Hitotsubashi hall 1F
18:00 - 20:00 Welcome Reception (Supported by Recruit) Josui kaikan
Monday, October 17, 2016
8:30 - 17:20 Registration Hitotsubashi hall 1F
8:45 - 9:30 Refreshment (Coffee & Snacks) Hitotsubashi hall 2F
9:30 - 10:00 Opening Remarks Auditorium
10:00 - 11:00 Keynote: Takeo Kanade Auditorium
11:00 - 11:20 Coffee Break (20min, Supported by FXPAL)

11:20 - 12:40


Session 1-A: Fabrication

Chair: Stefanie Mueller

Mobile Fabrication

Thijs Jan Roumen, Bastian Kruck, Tobias Dürschmid, Tobias Nack, Patrick Baudisch

Crowdsourced Fabrication

Benjamin Lafreniere,Tovi Grossman,Fraser Anderson,Justin Matejka,Heather Kerrick,Danil Nagy,Lauren Vasey,Evan Atherton,Nicholas Beirne,Marcelo Coelho,Nicholas Cote,Steven Li,Andy Nogueira,Long Nguyen,Tobias Schwinn,James Stoddart,David Thomasson,Ray Wang,Thomas White,David Benjamin,Maurice Conti,Achim Menges,George Fitzmaurice

Reprise: A Design Tool for Specifying, Generating, and Customizing 3D Printable Adaptations on Everyday Objects

Xiang 'Anthony' Chen, Jeeeun Kim, Jennifer Mankoff, Tovi Grossman, Stelian Coros, Scott E Hudson

Exploring the Design Space for Energy-Harvesting Situated Displays

Tobias Grosse-Puppendahl, Steve Hodges, Nicholas Chen, John Helmes, Stuart Taylor, James Scott, Josh Fromm, David Sweeney


Session 1-B: Touch and Beyond

Chair: Xiaojun Bi

FaceTouch: Enabling Touch Interaction in Display Fixed UIs for Mobile Virtual Reality

Jan Gugenheimer, David Dobbelstein, Christian Winkler, Gabriel Haas, Enrico Rukzio

Supporting Mobile Sensemaking Through Intentionally Uncertain Highlighting

Joseph Chee Chang, Nathan Hahn, Aniket Kittur

HoloFlex: A Flexible Light-Field Smartphone with a Microlens Array and a P-OLED Touchscreen

Daniel Gotsch, Xujing Zhang, Juan Pablo Carrascal, Roel Vertegaal

AuraSense: Enabling Expressive Around-Smartwatch Interactions with Electric Field Sensing

Junhan Zhou, Yang Zhang, Gierad Laput, Chris Harrison

12:40 - 14:00 Lunch (Lunchbox provided, Supported by Microsoft)
Women’s Luncheon, Sponsored by Microsoft Research and Adobe Research (1F meeting room - to register for the women's lunch, please email

14:00 - 15:20


Session 2-A: TUI

Chair: Daniel Avahami

ChainFORM: A Linear Integrated Modular Hardware System for Shape Changing Interfaces

Ken Nakagaki, Artem Dementyev, Sean Follmer, Joseph A. Paradiso, Hiroshi Ishii

Zooids: Building Blocks for Swarm User Interfaces

Mathieu Le Goc, Lawrence H Kim, Ali Parsaei, Jean-Daniel Fekete, Pierre Dragicevic, Sean Follmer

Rovables: Miniature On-Body Robots as Mobile Wearables

Artem Dementyev, Hsin-Liu (Cindy) Kao, Inrak Choi, Deborah Ajilo, Maggie Xu, Joseph A. Paradiso, Chris Schmandt, Sean Follmer

aeroMorph - Heat-sealing Inflatable Shape-change Materials for Interaction Design

Jifei Ou, Melina Skouras, Nikolaos Vlavianos, Felix Heibeck, Chin-Yi Cheng, Jannik Peters, Hiroshi Ishii


Session 2-B: Interaction Technique

Chair: Jacob O. Wobbrock

Beyond Snapping: Persistent, Tweakable Alignment and Distribution with StickyLines

Marianela Ciolfi Felice, Nolwenn Maudet, Wendy E. Mackay, Michel Beaudouin-Lafon

Porous Interfaces for Small Screen Multitasking using Finger Identification

Aakar Gupta, Muhammed Anwar, Ravin Balakrishnan

Mining Controller Inputs to Understand Gameplay

Brian A Smith, Shree K Nayar

TRing: Instant and Customizable Interactions with Objects Using an Embedded Magnet and a Finger-Worn Device

Sang Ho Yoon, Yunbo Zhang, Ke Huo, Karthik Ramani

15:20 - 16:00 Coffee Break (40min, Supported by FXPAL)

16:00 - 17:20


Session 3-A: Touch It, Feel It

Chair: Hrvoje Benko

Designing a Non-contact Wearable Tactile Display Using Airflows

Jaeyeon Lee, Geehyuk Lee

RealPen: Providing Realism in Handwriting Tasks on Touch Surfaces using Auditory-Tactile Feedback

Youngjun Cho, Andrea Bianchi, Nicolai Marquardt, Nadia Bianchi-Berthouze

Muscle-plotter: an Interactive System based on Electrical Muscle Stimulation that Produces Spatial Output

Pedro Lopes, Doğa Yüksel, François Guimbretière, Patrick Baudisch

Haptic Learning of Semaphoric Finger Gestures

Aakar Gupta, Antony Irudayaraj, Vimal Chandran, Goutham Palaniappan, Khai N. Truong, Ravin Balakrishnan

GyroVR: Simulating Inertia in Virtual Reality using Head Worn Flywheels

Jan Gugenheimer, Dennis Wolf, Eythor R Eiriksson, Pattie Maes, Enrico Rukzio


Session 3-B: Dev Tools

Chair: Ranjitha Kumar

Telescope: Fine-Tuned Discovery of Interactive Web UI Feature Implementation

Joshua Hibschman, Haoqi Zhang

CodeMend: Assisting Interactive Programming with Bimodal Embedding

Xin Rong, Shiyan Yan, Stephen Oney, Mira Dontcheva, Eytan Adar

Meta: Enabling Programming Languages to Learn from the Crowd

Ethan Fast, Michael S Bernstein

Holoportation: Virtual 3D Teleportation in Real-time

Sergio Orts-Escolano,Christoph Rhemann,Sean Fanello,David Kim,Adarsh Kowdle,Wayne Chang,Yury Degtyarev,Philip L Davidson,Sameh Khamis,Mingsong Dou,Vladimir Tankovich,Charles Loop,Qin Cai,Philip A Chou,Sarah Mennicken,Julien Valentin,Vivek Pradeep,Shenlong Wang,Sing Bing Kang,Pushmeet Kohli,Yuliya Lutchyn,Cem Keskin,Shahram Izadi

18:00 - 21:00 Demo Reception (Supported by Autodesk) Josui Kaikan
Tuesday, October 18, 2016
8:30 - 19:30 Registration Hitotsubashi hall 1F
8:45 - 9:30 Refreshment (Coffee & Snacks) Hitotsubashi hall 2F

9:30 - 10:50


Session 4-A: Touch

Chair: Seok-Hyun Bae

Next-Point Prediction Metrics for Perceived Spatial Errors

Mathieu Nancel, Daniel Vogel, Bruno De Araujo, Ricardo Jota, Géry Casiez

Wearables as Context for Guiard-abiding Bimanual Touch

Andrew M. Webb, Michel Pahud, Ken Hinckley, William A.S. Buxton

Gaze and Touch Interaction on Tablets

Ken Pfeuffer, Hans Gellersen

Predicting Finger-Touch Accuracy Based on the Dual Gaussian Distribution Model

Xiaojun Bi, Shumin Zhai


Session 4-B: Sensing

Chair: Aaron Quigley

ViBand: High-Fidelity Bio-Acoustic Sensing Using Commodity Smartwatch Accelerometers

Gierad Laput, Robert Xiao, Chris Harrison

proCover: Sensory Augmentation of Prosthetic Limbs Using Smart Textile Covers

Joanne Leong, Patrick Parzer, Florian Perteneder, Teo Babic, Christian Rendl, Anita Vogl, Hubert Egger, Alex Olwal, Michael Haller

SleepCoacher: A Personalized Automated Self-Experimentation System for Sleep Recommendations

Nediyana Daskalova, Danaë Metaxa-Kakavouli, Adrienne Tran, Nicole Nugent, Julie Boergers, John McGeary, Jeff Huang

Bootstrapping User-Defined Body Tapping Recognition with Offline-Learned Probabilistic Representation

Xiang 'Anthony' Chen, Yang Li

10:50 - 11:20 Coffee Break (40min, Supported by Open Innovation Lab)

11:20 - 12:40


Session 5-A: Viz

Chair: Fanny Chealier

Eviza: A Natural Language Interface for Visual Analysis

Vidya Setlur, Sarah E Battersby, Melanie K Tory, Rich Gossweiler, Angel X Chang

Semi-Automated SVG Programming via Direct Manipulation

Brian Hempel, Ravi Chugh

Reading and Learning Smartfonts

Danielle Bragg, Shiri Azenkot, Adam Kalai

Interactive Volume Segmentation with Threshold Field Painting

Takeo Igarashi, Naoyuki Shono, Taichi Kin, Toki Saito


Session 5-B: Physical Displays

Chair: Nicholas Chen

SkyAnchor: Optical Design for Anchoring Mid-air Images onto Physical Objects

Hajime Kajita, Naoya KOIZUMI, Takeshi Naemura

Changing the Appearance of Physical Interfaces Through Controlled Transparency

David Lindlbauer, Joerg Mueller, Marc Alexa

JOLED: A mid-air display based on electrostatic rotation of levitated Janus objects

Deepak Ranjan Sahoo, Takuto Nakamura, Asier Marzo, Themis Omirou, Michihiro Asakawa, Sriram Subramanian

LIME: LIquid MEtal Interfaces for Non-Rigid Interaction

Qiuyu Lu, Chengpeng Mao, Liyuan Wang, Haipeng Mi

Phyxel: Realistic Display of Shape and Appearance using Physical Objects with High-speed Pixelated Lighting

Takatoshi Yoshida, Yoshihiro Watanabe, Masatoshi Ishikawa

12:40 - 14:00 Lunch (Lunchbox provided, Supported by Adobe)
13:00-14:00 Becoming a Volunteer at ACM SIGCHI @ Ballroom

14:00 - 15:00


Session 6-A: Information & Obfusc**ion

Chair: Parmit K. Chilana

Private Webmail 2.0: Simple and Easy-to-Use Secure Email

Scott Ruoti, Jeff Andersen, Travis Hendershot, Daniel Zappala, Kent Seamons

CloakingNote: A Novel Desktop Interface for Subtle Writing Using Decoy Texts

Sehi L'Yi, Kyle Koh, Jaemin Jo, Bohyoung Kim, Jinwook Seo

Mavo: Creating Interactive Data-Driven Web Applications by Authoring HTML

Lea Verou, Amy X. Zhang, David Karger


Session 6-B: Video & Audio

Chair: Rubiat Habib Kazi

QuickCut: An Interactive Tool for Editing Narrated Video

Anh Truong, Floraine Berthouzoz, Wilmot Li, Maneesh Agrawala

Dynamic Authoring of Audio with Linked Scripts

Hijung Valentina Shin, Wilmot Li, Fredo Durand

VidCrit: Video-based Asynchronous Video Review

Amy Pavel, Dan B Goldman, Björn Hartmann, Maneesh Agrawala

15:00 - 15:40 Coffee Break (40min, Supported by Open Innovation Lab)

15:40 - 17:00


Session 7-A: Fab with New Materials

Chair: Scott Hudson

Metamaterial Mechanisms

Alexandra Ion, Johannes Frohnhofen, Ludwig Wilhelm Wall, Robert Kovacs, Mirela Alistar, Jack I. C. Lindsay, Pedro Lopes, Hsiang-Ting Chen, Patrick Baudisch

Digital Gastronomy: Methods & Recipes for Hybrid Cooking

Moran Mizrahi, Amos Golan, Ariel Bezaleli Mizrahi, Rotem Gruber, Alexander Zoonder Lachnise, Amit Zoran

A 3D Printer for Interactive Electromagnetic Devices

Huaishu Peng, François Guimbretière, James McCann, Scott Hudson

Foundry: Hierarchical Material Design for Multi-Material Fabrication

Kiril Vidimce, Alexandre Kaspar, Ye Wang, Wojciech Matusik


Session 7-B: Text Entry

Chair: Koji Yatani

DriftBoard: A Panning-Based Text Entry Technique for Ultra-Small Touchscreens

Tomoki Shibata, Daniel Afergan, Danielle Kong, Beste F Yuksel, Scott MacKenzie, Robert J.K. Jacob

Expressive Keyboards: Enriching Gesture-Typing on Mobile Devices

Jessalyn Alvina, Joseph W Malloch, Wendy Mackay

EdgeVib: Effective Alphanumeric Character Output Using a Wrist-Worn Tactile Display

Yi-Chi Liao, Yi-Ling Chen, Jo-Yu Lo, Rong-Hao Liang, Liwei Chan, Bing-Yu Chen

On Suggesting Phrases vs. Predicting Words for Mobile Text Composition

Kenneth C Arnold, Krzysztof Z Gajos, Adam T Kalai

17:00 - 19:30 Poster & Student Innovation Competition (Coffee & Snacks) Hitotsuabshi hall 2F
20:00 - 22:30 Banquet (Supported by Google) Hotel Grand Palace
Wednesday, October 19, 2016
8:30 - 12:40 Registration Hitotsubashi hall 1F
8:45 - 9:30 Refreshment (Coffee & Snacks) Hitotsubashi hall 2F

9:30 - 10:50


Session 8-A: Crowds

Chair: Walter Lasecki

IdeaHound: improving large-scale collaborative ideation with crowd-powered real-time semantic modeling

Pao Siangliulue, Joel Chan, Steven P Dow, Krzysztof Z Gajos

Boomerang: Rebounding the Consequences of Reputation Feedback on Crowdsourcing Platforms

Snehalkumar (Neil) S. Gaikwad,Durim Morina,Adam Ginzberg,Catherine Mullings,Shirish Goyal,Dilrukshi Gamage,Christopher Diemert,Mathias Burton,Sharon Zhou,Mark Whiting,Karolina Ziulkoski,Alipta Ballav,Aaron Gilbee,Senadhipathige S. Niranga,Vibhor Sehgal,Jasmine Lin,Leonardy Kristianto,Angela Richmond-Fuller,Jeff Regino,Nalin Chhibber,Dinesh Majeti,Sachin Sharma,Kamila Mananova,Dinesh Dhakal,William Dai,Victoria Purynova,Samarth Sandeep,letshine Chandrakanthan,Tejas Sarma,Sekandar Matin,Ahmed Nasser,Rohit Nistala,Alexander Stolzoff,Kristy Milland,Vinayak Mathur,Rajan Vaish,Michael S. Bernstein

Habitsourcing: Sensing the Environment through Immersive, Habit-Building Experiences

Katherine Lin, Henry Spindell, Scott Cambo, Yongsung Kim, Haoqi Zhang

VizLens: A Robust and Interactive Screen Reader for Interfaces in the Real World

Anhong Guo, Xiang 'Anthony' Chen, Haoran Qi, Samuel Christopher White, Suman Ghosh, Chieko Asakawa, Jeffrey Bigham


Session 8-B: Electronics Printing & Prototyping

Chair: Otmar Hilliges

Aesthetic Electronics: Designing, Sketching, and Fabricating Circuits through Digital Exploration

Joanne Lo, Cesar Torres, Isabel Yang, Jasper O'Leary, Mira Dontcheva, Wilmot Li, Danny Kaufman, Eric Paulos

The Toastboard: Ubiquitous Instrumentation and Automated Checking of Breadboarded Circuits

Daniel Drew, Julie L. Newcomb, William McGrath, Filip Maksimovic, David A Mellis, Björn Hartmann

CircuitStack: Supporting Rapid Prototyping and Evolution of Electronic Circuits

Chiuan Wang, Hsuan-Ming Yeh, Bryan Wang, Te-Yen Wu, Hsin-Ruey Tsai, Rong-Hao Liang, Yi-Ping Hung, Mike Y. Chen

Stretchis: Fabricating Highly Stretchable User Interfaces

Michael Wessely, Theophanis Tsandilas, Wendy Mackay

10:50 - 11:20 Coffee Break (40min)

11:20 - 12:40


Session 9-A: ~Reality

Chair: Yuta Sugiura

Optical Marionette: Graphical Manipulation of Human's Walking Direction

Akira Ishii, Ippei Suzuki, Shinji Sakamoto, Keita Kanai, Kazuki Takazawa, Hiraku Doi, Yoichi Ochiai

NormalTouch and TextureTouch: High-fidelity 3D Haptic Shape Rendering on Handheld Virtual Reality Controllers

Hrvoje Benko, Christian Holz, Mike Sinclair, Eyal Ofek

Immersive Scuba Diving Simulator Using Virtual Reality

Dhruv Jain, Misha Sra, Jingru Guo, Rodrigo Marques, Raymond Wu, Justin Chiu, Chris Schmandt


Session 9-B: Creativity

Chair: Joel Brandt

Energy-Brushes: Interactive Tools for Illustrating Stylized Elemental Dynamics

Jun XING, Rubaiat Habib Kazi, Tovi Grossman, Li-Yi Wei, Jos Stam, George Fitzmaurice

ERICA: Interaction Mining Mobile Apps

Biplab Deka, Zifeng Huang, Ranjitha Kumar

The Elements of Fashion Style

Kristen Vaccaro, Sunaya Shivakumar, Ziqiao Ding, Karrie Karahalios, Ranjitha Kumar

Multi-Device Storyboards for Cinematic Narratives in VR

Rorik Henrikson, Bruno Araujo, Fanny Chevalier, Karan Singh, Ravin Balakrishnan

12:40 - 14:30 Lunch (Lunchbox provided, Supported by Sony CSL)
13:00 - 14:00 Town hall meeting @ Ballroom

14:30 - 15:50


Session 10-A: Innovative Interaction

Chair: Justin Matejka

SketchingWithHands: 3D Sketching Handheld Products with First-Person Hand Posture

Yongkwan Kim, Seok-Hyung Bae

Authoring Illustrations of Human Movements by Iterative Physical Demonstration

Pei-Yu Chi, Daniel Vogel, Mira Dontcheva, Wilmot Li, Björn Hartmann

AggreGaze: Collective Estimation of Audience Attention on Public Displays

Yusuke Sugano, Xucong Zhang, Andreas Bulling

RadarCat: Radar Categorization for Input & Interaction

Hui-Shyong Yeo, Gergely Flamich, Patrick Schrempf, David Harris-Birtill, Aaron Quigley


Session 10-B: Gesture

Chair: Meredith Ringel Morris

Advancing Hand Gesture Recognition with High Resolution Electrical Impedance Tomography

Yang Zhang, Robert Xiao, Chris Harrison

Interacting with Soli: Exploring Fine-Grained Dynamic Gesture Recognition in the Radio-Frequency Spectrum

Saiwen Wang, Jie Song, Jaime Lien, Ivan Poupyrev, Otmar Hilliges

WristWhirl: One-handed Continuous Smartwatch Input using Wrist Gestures

Jun Gong, Xing-Dong Yang, Pourang Irani

A Rapid Prototyping Approach to Synthetic Data Generation for Improved 2D Gesture Recognition

Eugene M. Taranta II, Mehran Maghoumi, Corey R Pittman, Joseph J LaViola Jr.

15:50 - 16:30 Coffee Break (40min)
16:30 - 17:30 Closing Keynote: Naoto Fukasawa Auditorium
17:30 - 18:00 Closing ceremony Auditorium
Thursday, October 20, 2016
10:00 - 13:00 The University of Tokyo Open Labs The University of Tokyo


Best Paper Awards

  • Rovables: Miniature On-Body Robots as Mobile Wearables

    Artem Dementyev, Hsin-Liu (Cindy) Kao, Inrak Choi, Deborah Ajilo, Maggie Xu, Joseph Paradiso, Chris Schmandt, Sean Follmer

  • Zooids: Building Blocks for Swarm User Interfaces

    Mathieu Le Goc, Lawrence Kim, Ali Parsaei, Jean-Daniel Fekete, Pierre Dragicevic, Sean Follmer

  • proCover: Sensory Augmentation of Prosthetic Limbs Using Smart Textile Covers

    Joanne Leong, Patrick Parzer, Florian Perteneder, Teo Babic, Christian Rendl, Anita Vogl, Hubert Egger, Alex Olwal, Michael Haller

  • ViBand: High-Fidelity Bio-Acoustic Sensing Using Commodity Smartwatch Accelerometers

    Gierad Laput, Robert Xiao, Chris Harrison

Honorable Mention Awards

  • aeroMorph - Heat-sealing Inflatable Shape-change Materials for Interaction Design  

    Jifei Ou, Melina Skouras, Nikolaos Vlavianos, Felix Heibeck, Chin-Yi Cheng, Jannik Peters, Hiroshi Ishii

  • Metamaterial Mechanisms  

    Alexandra Ion, Johannes Frohnhofen, Ludwig Wall, Robert Kovacs, Mirela Alistar, Jack Lindsay, Pedro Lopes, Hsiang-Ting Chen, Patrick Baudisch

  • AggreGaze: Collective Estimation of Audience Attention on Public Displays  

    Yusuke Sugano, Xucong Zhang, Andreas Bulling

  • NormalTouch and TextureTouch: High-fidelity 3D Haptic Shape Rendering on Handheld Virtual Reality Controllers  

    Hrvoje Benko, Christian Holz, Mike Sinclair, Eyal Ofek

Best Talk Awards

  • CircuitStack: Supporting Rapid Prototyping and Evolution of Electronic Circuits

    Chiuan Wang, Hsuan-Ming Yeh, Bryan Wang, Te-Yen Wu, Hsin-Ruey Tsai, Rong-Hao Liang, Yi-Ping Hung, Mike Y. Chen

  • ViBand: High-Fidelity Bio-Acoustic Sensing Using Commodity Smartwatch Accelerometers

    Gierad Laput, Robert Xiao, Chris Harrison

Best Poster Awards

  • AquaCAVE: Augmented Swimming Environment with Immersive Surround-Screen Virtual Reality 

    Shogo Yamashita, Xinlei Zhang, Jun Rekimoto                 

  • NeverMind: Using Augmented Reality for Memorization 

    Oscar Rosello, Marc Exposito, Pattie Maes                 

  • Sidetap & Slingshot Gestures On Unmodified Smartwatches 

    Hui-Shyong Yeo, Juyoung Lee, Andrea Bianchi, Aaron Quigley

Best Demo Awards

  • Wolverine: A Wearable Haptic Interface for Grasping in VR

    Inrak Choi & Sean Follmer

  • SoEs: Attachable Augmented Haptic on Gaming Controller for Immersive Interaction  

    Yang-Sheng Chen, Ping-Hsuan Han, Jui-Chun Hsiao, Kong-Chang Lee, Chiao-En Hsieh, Kuan-Yin Lu, Chien-Hsing Chou, Yi-Ping Hung

  • Luminescent Tentacles: A Scalable SMA Motion Display  

    Akira Nakayasu

Best Student Innovation Competition Awards

  • Robin Hood (Best Implementation award)

    Shan-Yuan Teng Yung-Da Lin and Yi-Chi Liao

  • SuperSonicShooter (Most Creative Interface award)

    Mondo Saito, Yuka Hirose, Keisuke Nohara

  • Vibrato (People choice award)

    Eisuke Fujinawa, Ryohei Fushimi

Student Innovation Competition Honorable Mentions

  • Ping-EMS-pong (Best Implementation honorable mention)

    Sujeath Pareddy

  • Facecook (Most Creative Interface honorable mention)

    Junichi Shimizu, Takuro Nakao, Haruna Fushimi, YuanLing Feng

  • bioSync (Advancement in EMS hardware)

    Jun Nishida

Best Student Volunteer Award

  • Punpongsanon Parinya (Osaka University)

Lasting Impact Award

  • Low-Cost Multi-Touch Sensing through Frustrated Total Internal Reflection (UIST 2005)

    Jefferson Y. Han

Accepted Posters


Orchestrated Informal Care Coordination: Designing a Connected Network of Tools in Support of Collective Care Activities for Informal Caregivers
Kyungmin Youn

Switch++: An Output Device of the Switches by the Finger Gestures
Yukiko Yokomizo, Tomoya Kotegawa, Paul Haimes, Tetsuaki Baba

Transparent Reality: Using Eye Gaze Focus Depth as Interaction Modality
Yun Suen Pai, Benjamin Outram, Noriyasu Vontin, Kai Kunze

Toward a Compact Device to Interact with a Capacitive Touch Screen
Tomomi Takashina, Tsutomu Tamura, Makoto Nakazumi, Tatsushi Nomura, Yuji Kokumai

Initial Trials of ofxEpilog: From Real Time Operation to Dynamic Focus of Epilog Laser Cutter
Mitsuhito Ando, Chisaki Murakami, Takayuki Ito, Kazuhiro Jo

Design and Evaluation of EdgeWrite Alphabets for Round Face Smartwatches
Keiichi Ueno, Kentaro Go, Yuichiro Kinoshita

Touchscreen Overlay Augmented with the Stick-Slip Phenomenon to Generate Kinetic Energy
Ahmed Farooq, Philipp Weitz, Grigori Evreinov, Roope Raisamo, Daisuke Takahata

Histogram: Spatiotemporal Photo-Displaying Interface
Soomin Kim, JongHwan Oh, Joonhwan Lee

AquaCAVE: Augmented Swimming Environment with Immersive Surround-Screen Virtual Reality
Shogo Yamashita, Xinlei Zhang, Jun Rekimoto

Partial Bookmarking: A Structure-independent Mechanism of Transclusion for a Portion of any Web Page
Takehiro Nagatomo, Takahiro Tachibana, Keizo Sato, Makoto Nakashima

Thermocons: Evaluating the Thermal Haptic Perception of the Forehead
Roshan Peiris, Liwei Chan, Kouta Minamizawa

Sidetap & Slingshot Gestures On Unmodified Smartwatches
Hui-Shyong Yeo, Juyoung Lee, Andrea Bianchi, Aaron Quigley

Developing fMRI-Compatible Interaction Systems through Air Pressure
Handityo Aulia Putra, Xiangshi Ren

OmniEyeball: Spherical Display Embedded With Omnidirectional Camera Using Dynamic Spherical Mapping
Zhengqing Li, Shio Miyafuji, Toshiki Sato, Hideki Koike

Estimating contact force of fingertip and providing tactile feedback simultaneously
Nobuhiro Funato, Kentaro Takemura

Activity-Aware Video Stabilization for BallCam
Ryohei Funakoshi, Vishnu Boddeti, Kris Kitani, Hideki Koike

Study on Control Method of Virtual Food Texture by Electrical Muscle Stimulation
Arinobu Niijima, Takefumi Ogawa

Uniformity Based Haptic Alert Network
Salem Karani, Chaitanya Varanasi

Flying User Interface
Pramod Verma

Prevention of Unintentional Input While Using Wrist Rotation for Device Configuration
Han Joo Chae, Jeong-in Hwang, Yuri Choi, Yieun Kim, Kyle Koh, Jinwook Seo

Peripersonal Space in Virtual Reality: Navigating 3D Space with Different Perspectives
Jooyeon Lee, Manri Cheon, Seong-Eun Moon, Jong-Seok Lee

A Novel Real Time Monitor System of 3D Printing Layers for Better Slicing Parameter Setting
Yu-Kai Chiu, Hao-Yu Chang, Wan-ling Yang, Yu-Hsuan Huang, Ouhyoung Ming

Hilbert Curves: A Tool for Resolution Independent Haptic Texture
William Frier, Kyoungwon Seo, Sriram Subramanian

Friend*Chip: A Bracelet with Digital Pet for Socially Inclusive Games for Children
Eleuda Nunez, Francesco Visentin, Kenji Suzuki

NeverMind: Using Augmented Reality for Memorization
Oscar Rosello, Marc Exposito, Pattie Maes

Analysis of Sequential Tasks in Use Context of Mobile Apps
Jihye Lee, Sangwon Lee

Towards understanding collaboration around interactive surfaces: Exploring joint visual attention
Hidde van der Meulen, Petra Varsanyi, Lauren Westendorf, Andrew Kun, Orit Shaer

Resolving Spatial Variation And Allowing Spectator Participation In Multiplayer VR
Misha Sra, Dhruv Jain, Arthur Pitzer Caetano, Andres Calvo, Erwin Hilton, Chris Schmandt

OctaRing: Examining Pressure-Sensitive Multi-Touch Input on a Finger Ring Device
Hyunchul Lim, Jungmin Chung, Changhoon Oh, SoHyun Park, Bongwon Suh

Accepted Demos

Please note that the list below only contains projects submitted, reviewed and accepted for the UIST Demos track. Demos associated with accepted papers are not listed; please see the full program for the paper proceedings.


Luminescent Tentacles: A Scalable SMA Motion Display
Akira Nakayasu

Rig Animation with a Tangible and Modular Input Device
Oliver Glauser, Benedek Vartok, Wan-Chun Ma, Daniele Panozzo, Alec Jacobson, Otmar Hilliges, Olga Sorkine-Hornung

Watch Commander: A Gesture-based Invocation System for Rectangular Smartwatches using B2B-Swipe
Yuki Kubo, Buntarou Shizuki, Shin Takahashi

MagTacS: Delivering Tactile Sensation over an Object
Hyung-Sik Kim, Seong-Young Gim, Woo-Ram Kim, Mi-Hyun Choi, Seungmoon Choi, Soon-Cheol Chung

floatio: Floating Tangible User Interface Based on Animacy Perception
Toshiya Yui, Tomoko Hashida

3D Printed Physical Interfaces that can Extend Touch Devices
Kunihiro Kato, Homei Miyashita

Thickness Control Technique for Printing Tactile Sheets with Fused Deposition Modeling
Haruki Takahashi, Homei Miyashita

Sparkle: Towards Haptic Hover-Feedback with Electric Arcs
Daniel Spelmezan, Deepak Ranjan Sahoo, Sriram Subramanian

The UIST Video Browser: Creating Shareable Playlists of Video Previews
Carla Griggio, Nam Giang, Germテ。n Leiva, Wendy Mackay

WithYou: An Interactive Shadowing Coach with Speech Recognition
Xinlei Zhang, Takashi Miyaki, Jun Rekimoto

Representing Gaze Direction in Video Communication Using Eye-Shaped Display
Mai Otsuki, Taiki Kawano, Keita Maruyama, Hideaki Kuzuoka, Yusuke SUZUKI

Gushed Diffusers: Fast-moving, Floating, and Lightweight Midair Display
Ippei Suzuki, Shuntarou Yoshimitsu, Keisuke Kawahara, Nobutaka Ito, Atushi Shinoda, Akira Ishii, Takatoshi Yoshida, Yoichi Ochiai

SoEs: Attachable Augmented Haptic on Gaming Controller for Immersive Interaction
Yang-Sheng Chen, Ping-Hsuan Han, Jui-Chun Hsiao, Kong-Chang Lee, Chiao-En Hsieh, Kuan-Yin Lu, Chien-Hsing Chou, Yi-Ping Hung

LaserStroke: Mid-air Tactile Experiences on Contours Using Indirect Laser Radiation
Hojin Lee, Hojun Cha, Junsuk Park, Seungmoon Choi, Hyung-Sik Kim, Soon-Cheol Chung

M.Sketch: Prototyping Tool for Linkage-Based Mechanism Design
Han-Jong Kim, Yunwoo Jeong, Ju-Whan Kim, Tek-Jin Nam

Depth Based Shadow Pointing Interface for Public Displays
Jun Shingu, Patrick Chiu, Sven Kratz, Jim Vaughan, Don Kimber

A Tangible Interface to Realize Touch Operations on the Face of a Physical Object
Saraha Ueno, Kunihiro Kato, Homei Miyashita

AmbioTherm: Simulating Ambient Temperatures and Wind Conditions in VR Environments
Nimesha Ranasinghe, Pravar Jain, David Tolley, Shienny Karwita, Yilei Shi, Ellen Yi-Luen Do

Wrap & Sense: Grasp Capture by a Band Sensor
Natsuki Miyata, Takehiro Honoki, Yusuke Maeda, Yui Endo, Mitsunori Tada, Yuta Sugiura

Facial Expression Mapping inside Head Mounted Display by Embedded Optical Sensors
Katsuhiro Suzuki, Fumihiko Nakamura, Jiu Otsuka, Katsutoshi Masai, Yuta Itoh, Yuta Sugiura, Maki Sugimoto

An Input Switching Interface Using Carbon Copy Metaphor
Kaori Ikematsu, Itiro Siio

Designing a Haptic Feedback System for Hearing-Impaired to Experience Tap Dance
Mina Shibasaki, Youichi Kamiyama, Kouta Minamizawa

Ballumiere: Real-Time Tracking and Projection for High-Speed Moving Balls
Shio Miyafuji, Masato Sugasaki, Hideki Koike

ScalableBody : A Telepresence Robot Supporting Socially Acceptable Interactions and Human Augmentation through Vertical Actuation
Akira Matsuda, Jun Rekimoto

MlioLight: Multi-Layered Image Overlay using Multiple Flashlight Devices
Toshiki Sato, Hideki Koike

Polyspector: An Interactive Visualization Platform Optimized for Visual Analysis of Big Data
Xinxiao Li, Akira Kuroda, Hidenori Matsuzaki

Hand Gesture and On-body Touch Recognition by Active Acoustic Sensing throughout the Human Body
Tomohiro Yokota, Tomoko Hashida

Wolverine: A Wearable Haptic Interface for Grasping in VR
Inrak Choi, Sean Follmer

Phones on Wheels: Exploring Interaction for Smartphones with Kinetic Capabilities
Takefumi Hiraki, Koya Narumi, Koji Yatani, Yoshihiro Kawahara

Applications of Switchable Permanent Magnetic Actuators in Shape Change and Tactile Display
Evan Strasnick, Sean Follmer

Virtual Sweet: Simulating Sweet Sensation Using Thermal Stimulation on the Tip of the Tongue
Nimesha Ranasinghe, Ellen Yi-Luen Do

Fitter: A System for Easily Printing Objects that Fit Real Objects
Yoh Akiyama, Homei Miyashita

RunPlay: Action Recognition Using Wearable Device Apply on Parkour Game
Shi-Yao Wei, Chen-Yu Wang, Ting-Wei Chiu, Yi-Ping Lo, Zhi-Wei Yang, Hsing-Man Wang, Yi-ping Hung

Music Composition with Recommendation
Junki Kikuchi, Hidekatsu Yanagi, Yoshiaki Mima

waveSense: Ultra Low Power Gesture Sensing Based on Selective Volumetric Illumination
Anusha Withana, Shanaka Ransiri, Tharindu Kaluarachchi, Chanaka Singhabahu, Yilei Shi, Don Samitha Elvitigala, Suranga Nanayakkara

Expanding the Field-of-View of Head-Mounted Displays with Peripheral Blurred Images
Wataru Yamada, Hiroyuki Manabe

Reconstruction of Scene from Multiple Sketches
Ayuri Tomohiro, Yasuyuki Sumi

2.5 Dimensional Panoramic Viewing Technique utilizing a Cylindrical Mirror Widget
Kaori Ikematsu, Mana Sasagawa, Itiro Siio

ExtendedHand on Wheelchair
Yuki Asai, Yuta Ueda, Ryuichi Enomoto, Daisuke Iwai, Kosuke Sato

Synesthesia Suit
Yukari Konishi, Nobuhisa Hanamitsu, Benjamin Outram, Kouta Minamizawa, Ayahiko Sato, Tetsuya Mizuguchi

Interaction Technique Using Acoustic Sensing for Different Squeak Sounds Caused by Number of Rubbing Fingers
Ryosuke Kawakatsu, Shigeyuki Hirai

Fluxa: Body Movements as a Social Display
Xin LIU, Katia Vega, Jing Qian, Joseph Paradiso, Pattie Maes

WhammyPhone: Exploring Tangible Audio Manipulation Using Bend Input on a Flexible Smartphone
Antonio Gomes, Lahiru Priyadarshana, Juan Pablo Carrascal, Roel Vertegaal

UnlimitedHand: Input and Output Hand Gestures with Less Calibration Time
Emi Tamaki, Terence Chan, Ken Iwasaki