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23rD ACM UIST Symposium


SPECIAL CONTEST FOR UIST 2010 -- "Demos Optional"

October 3-6, 2010

New York City


UIST (ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology) is the premier forum for innovations in the software and technology of human-computer interfaces. Sponsored by ACM's special interest groups on computer-human interaction (SIGCHI) and computer graphics (SIGGRAPH), UIST brings together researchers and practitioners from diverse areas that include traditional graphical web user interfaces, tangible ubiquitous computing, virtual augmented reality, multimedia, new input output devices, and CSCW. The intimate size, the single track, and comfortable surroundings make this symposium an ideal opportunity to exchange research results and implementation experiences.


Keynote Speakers

Marvin Minsky

Natalie Jeremijenko

Jaron Lanier


Ken Perlin
email: my last name AT
mrl DOT nyu DOT edu

Lasting Impact Award

"Windows on the world: 2D windows for 3D augmented reality." UIST 1993.
Steven Feiner, Columbia University
Blair MacIntyre, Columbia University
Marcus Haupt, Columbia University
Eliot Solomon, Columbia University

Best Paper Award

"VizWiz: Nearly Real-Time Answers to Visual Questions"
Jeffrey Bigham, University of Rochester
Chandrika Jayant, University of Washington
Hanjie Ji, University of Rochester
Greg Little, MIT CSAIL
Andrew Miller, University of Central Florida
Robert C. Miller, MIT CSAIL
Robin Miller, University of Rochester
Aubrey Tatarowicz, MIT CSAIL
Brandyn White, University of Maryland
Samuel White, University of Rochester
Tom Yeh, University of Maryland

Best Student Paper Award

"Soylent: A Word Processor with a Crowd Inside"
Michael S. Bernstein, MIT CSAIL
Greg Little, MIT CSAIL
Robert C. Miller, MIT CSAIL
Bjoern Hartmann, UC Berkeley
Mark S. Ackerman, University of Michigan
David R. Karger, MIT CSAIL
David Crowell, MIT CSAIL
Katrina Panovich, MIT CSAIL


For information on the contest, please visit the main student innovation contest webpage.
Videos and photos will be posted soon.


Judson Memorial Church