UIST '02

Paris, France


15th annual symposium

27-30 oct. 2002

User Interface Software &Technology




Posters and Demos

Posters and demos will be presented on Tuesday afternoon.

See also the full program and the invited speakers.


Active Projector: Image correction for moving image over uneven screens
Nobutatsu Nakamura, NEC (Japan)

Adapting to Registration Error in an Intent-Based Augmentation System
Cindy Robertson, Blair MacIntyre, Georgia Institute of Technology (United States)

Adding Scripting to a Public Bulletin Board
Adam Fass and Randy Pausch, Carnegie Mellon University (United States)

ARTStudio; tool for multi-target UI design
David Thevenin, National Institute of Informatics (Japan)

Email Land - An Exploration of Email User Interfaces Supporting Pending Tasks
Jacek Gwizdka, University of Toronto (Canada)

Exertion Interfaces for Sports Over a Distance
Florian Mueller, MIT Media Lab (United States) & Media Lab Europe (Ireland)
Stefan Agamanolis, Media Lab Europe (Ireland)
Rosalind Picard, MIT Media Lab (United States)

Focus + Context + Orientation with the Phaser Tool
Paulo Pacheco, m.c. schraefel, University of Toronto (Canada)

Improving user-friendliness by visually supporting speech recognition
Juliette Waals, Frank Kooi, Sjaak Kriekaard, TNO Human Factors (The Netherlands)

Multi-Platform User Interface Development from a Single Task Model
Mir Farooq Ali, Manuel Perez-Quinones, Virginia Tech (United States)

On-the-fly Generation of UIs for Ubiquitous Applications
Stefano Sanna, Andrea Piras, Davide Carboni, Gavino Paddeu, CRS4 (Italy)

Pens Behaving Badly - Usability of Pens and Graphics Tablets for Text Entry with Children
Janet Read, Stuart MacFarlane, Chris Casey, University of Central Lancashire (Great Britain)

Push Me Pull You: Simple Multibrowsing
Paul Buckley, Rene Schwarz, BTexact (Great Britain)

Reflexion: a responsive virtual mirror
Cian Cullinan, Stefan Agamanolis, Media Lab Europe (Ireland)

Three-dimensional finger tracking using direct and reflected infrared images
Kensaku Fujii, Jun Shimamura, Kenichi Arakawa, Tomohiko Arikawa, NTT (Japan)

A Toolkit for Creating and Testing Multimodal Interface Designs
Marie-Luce Bourguet, Queen Mary, University of London (Great Britain)

UMEA: User-Monitoring Environment for Activities
Victor Kaptelinin, Umeå University (Sweden)


Affordable yet robust and precise face tracking using USB cameras with application to designing hands-free user interfaces
Dmitry Gorodnichy and Gerhard Roth, NRC (Canada)

Alice2: Programming without Syntax Errors
Caitlin Kelleher, Dennis Cosgrove, David Culyba, Clifton Forlines, Jason Pratt and Randy Pausch, Carnegie Mellon University (United States)

Demonstration of the XWand Interface for Intelligent Spaces
Andrew Wilson and Steven Shafer, Microsoft Research (United States)

Floating Pie Menus: Enhancing the functionality of Contextual Tools
Jose Moreno Rubio and Paul Janecek, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology EPFL (Switzerland)

Frame of Reference Interaction
Matthew Plumlee and Colin Ware, University of New Hampshire (United States)

Gesture + Play
Konrad Tollmar, David Demirdjian and Trevor Darrell, MIT (United States)

Group-Oriented User Interface for Digital Image Management
Munehiro Nakazato and Thomas Huang, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (United States)

ICon: Input Device Selection and Interaction Configuration
Pierre Dragicevic, Ecole des Mines de Nantes (France),
Jean-Daniel Fekete, University of Maryland (United States)

Interaction Techniques for SmartSkin
Kentaro Fukuchi, Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan)
Jun Rekimoto, Sony CSL (Japan)

Ishmail: Managing Massive Amounts of Mail
Charles Isbell, Georgia Tech (United States)
Brian Amento, AT&T Labs - Research (United States)
Steve Whittaker, AT&T Labs - Research (United States)
Gavin Bell, 6th Column (United States)
Jonathan Helfman, ImageBeat (United States)

A Mouse with Realtime Adaptive Mickey Ratio Adjustment by Grasping Force
Sigeru Sato, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (Japan)
Muneo Kitajima, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (Japan)
Yukio Fukui,University of Tsukuba (Japan)

A nod is as good as a wink to a blind horse. How rich behavioural interaction opens up the experiential
Stephan Wensveen, Kees Overbeeke and Tom Djajadiningrat, Eindhoven University of Technology (The Netherlands)
Rob Luxen, Delft University of Technology (The Netherlands)

Overview of Cross-Device User Interaction for Littery Augmented Paper - LAP - Environment
Shun'ichi Tano and Shun'ichi Tano, University of Electro-Communications (Japan)

Sonic City: Merging Urban Walkabouts With Electronic Music
Making Lalya Gaye and Lars Erik Holmquist, Viktoria Institute (Sweden)
Ramia Mazé, Interactive Institute (Sweden)

A Toolkit for User Re-Configuration of Ubiquitous Domestic Environments
Karl-Petter Akesson and Adrian Bullock, SICS (Sweden)
Tom Rodden, Boriana Koleva and Chris Greenhalgh, University of Nottingham (Great Britain)

Using Ad Hoc Network Games to support Face-to-Face Interaction in Public Places
Johan Sanneblad and Lars Erik Holmquist, Viktoria Institute (Sweden)