Group Information: ACM UIST'95, User Interface Software and Technology, November 14-17, 1995
Rate: $85 single or double, plus tax
Reservations must be received by Oct 17, 1995
Arrival Date: (month/day/year) ________ Number of nights: _________ (Check in time is 3:00pm. Check out time is 1:00pm.) Name: _______________________________________________________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________________ City: __________________________ State: __________________________ Country: ________________________ Zip: ____________________________ Telephone: __________________________________________________________ Name(s) of additional persons sharing room:__________________________ Special Requirements: _______________________________________________
Unless guaranteed, reservations will be held until 6:00pm. Reservations may be guaranteed for later arrival to any major credit card (American Express, Visa, Discover, JCB, Westin, MasterCard, Diners, or Carte Blanche), or you may forward one night's deposit by check to the hotel.
Credit Card #: ______________________________________________________ Expiration Date: ________________ Credit Card Type: _______________ Signature: __________________________________________________________
Transportation to the hotel from the airport can be arranged through Airlines Transportation Company which has a booth in baggage claim at the airport. Rate: $12.00 one way, $20.00 round trip.