Hilton Head, South Carolina, USA (1991)
General Chair: James R. Rhyne
Table of Contents:
Hybrid user interfaces: breeding virtually bigger interfaces for physically smaller computers (p. 9-17)
On temporal-spatial realism in the virtual reality environment (p. 19-25)
The DigitalDesk calculator: tangible manipulation on a desk top display (p. 27-33)
Buttons as first class objects on an X desktop (p. 35-44)
EmbeddedButtons: documents as user interfaces (p. 45-53)
Interactive graph layout (p. 55-64)
A nose gesture interface device: extending virtual realities (p. 65-68)
Primitives for programming multi-user interfaces (p. 69-78)
MMM: a user interface architecture for shared editors on a single screen (p. 79-86)
Comparing the programming demands of single-user and multi-user applications (p. 87-94)
The PICASSO applications framework (p. 95-105)
An event-object recovery model for object-oriented user interfaces (p. 107-115)
SUIT: the Pascal of user interface toolkits (p. 117-125)
Stylus user interfaces for manipulating text (p. 127-135)
Issues in combining marking and direct manipulation techniques (p. 137-144)
Smoothly integrating rule-based techniques into a direct manipulation interface builder (p. 145-153)
The importance of pointer variables in constraint models (p. 155-164)
A general framework for Bi-directional translation between abstract and pictorial data (p. 165-174)
A model for input and output of multilingual text in a windowing environment (p. 175-183)
XJp system: an internationalized language interface for the X Window system (p. 185-194)
A flexible Chinese character input scheme (p. 195-200)
A unidraw-based user interface builder (p. 201-210)
Separating application code from toolkits: eliminating the spaghetti of call-backs (p. 211-220)
A demonstrational technique for developing interfaces with dynamically created objects (p. 221-230)