UIST 2015 Corporate Support

You are invited to support the UIST 2015 conference. This is an ideal way to demonstrate your organization's interest in and commitment to the field of user interface software and technology, and to publicize this support to many leaders and students in the field.

Corporate support is typically used to permit a greater number of students to attend UIST at reduced fees without artificially increasing the general registration, and to allow student volunteers to receive complimentary registration. Corporate support can also be targeted to a particular event or activity at the UIST Conference.

The UIST 2015 conference has four corporate support levels: Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Bronze. We are also pleased to introduce this year the Friends of UIST sponsorship level for individuals who wish to contribute to the conference.

Your support is very important to the conference, and the conference committee ensures that these contributions are well recognized. We list the benefits and costs below. (If you can think of another benefit that would make this more attractive to your company, do let us know!)

If you are interested in supporting UIST 2015, please contact our sponsorship chair:

Jeff Nichols

Jeff Nichols


+1 (412) 327-2790


All Corporate Sponsorships Include

(In addition to each level's individual benefits, all levels will receive the following)
  • Company logo and URL will be listed in all conference announcements, on the advance program, and on the conference web pages, maintained at www.acm.org/uist
  • Acknowledgement of your company's contribution during the opening and closing sessions of the conference by the conference chairs. These are typically the best attended sessions of the conference.
  • Opportunity to include material and giveaways with the conference material for each attendee
  • A special invitation for a member of your team to give a demonstration of your choice as part of the UIST 2015 demo night
  • Direct notification from the Sponsorship Chair about conference news


(US$15,000 or greater contribution)
  • 8 free registrations for people from your company to attend the conference
  • First choice at naming events at the conference. For example, there are generally two receptions, several lunches and coffee breaks, plus a student reception. Naming of events will be decided based on the amount of the contribution and the order received

Gold Sponsorship

(US$10,000 or greater contribution)
  • 5 free registrations for people from your company to attend the conference

  • Second choice at naming events at the conference (after the Platinum). For example, there are generally two receptions, several lunches and coffee breaks, plus a student reception. Naming of events will be decided based on the amount of the contribution and the order received

Silver Sponsorship

(US$5,000 or greater contribution)
  • 2 free registrations for people from your company to attend the conference
  • An event named after your company, if there are events left after those named for Platinum and Gold

Bronze Sponsorship

(US$2,500 or greater contribution)
  • 1 free registration for someone from your company to attend the conference

Friend of UIST Sponsorship

(US$1,000 or greater contribution from an individual)

A Friend of UIST is an individual member of the community who has chosen to help contribute financially to the conference. Although only individuals may be listed as a "Friend of UIST," organizations may choose to provide this funding level for their employees. An individual may also choose to "top up" to the Friend of UIST level during the normal conference registration process by contributing the difference between their registration fee and the Friend of UIST contribution level. For example, if your registration cost is $800 then only a $200 donation would be required to obtain Friend of UIST recognition.

  • 1 free registration to attend the conference (unless the recognition is obtained by topping up a new or existing registration)
  • Your name listed in all conference announcements, on the advance program, and on the conference web pages, maintained at www.acm.org/uist
  • Acknowledgement of your contribution at the opening and closing sessions of the conference.
  • Direct notification from the Sponsorship Chair about conference news
  • Special recognition as a "Friend of UIST" on your conference name badge